Chapter 27

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Edward's P.O.V

The past three days have been hell. Not only did I wake up not knowing here I was, or how I'd gotten there or who got me there. What's worse is that I didn't know how long had I've been there. But I woke up knowing I had been attacked and kidnapped by some assholes. It took me an entire day to come up with a plan to escape. The only thing I could think of was Bella and the fact that she was probably scared out of her mind, wondering where I was.

I think back to two days ago when I managed to escape those assholes as I walk down the lonely road. They weren't very good on holding someone hostage or keeping their mouth shut. I couldn't see their faces because they wore masks, that's the only bonus I give them. As one of them was feeding me some cheap soup, I managed to make conversation with him. Luckily, he was the stupidest of the group.

"Why am I here?" I asked after I've swallowed a spoonful of that cold chicken soup.

He chucked. "Because someone doesn't want you in their way, my friend."

"I know nobody here. In who's way would I be standing in?"

The man shrugged. "Someone who doesn't want you married to their daughter. I mean, fathers... Shit!"

That's when it hit me. "Charlie Swan did this?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," the man quickly replied, putting the soup down. "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." He stood up and run his hands through his hair. He seemed scared for all I could tell. "Shit, I should have kept my mouth shut!"

I took advantage of that to get my hands from behind my back. I had already untied them earlier and launched myself at him. He fell on the floor after I knocked him out and I ran out of the old cottage house barefoot. I have no idea how long I ran until I eventually reached the road and dropped on the ground wheezing through my teeth. After I was able to catch my breath, I started walking down the road. I don't know if I'm walking the right direction or where exactly I am. All I'm able to see is an endless road and trees surrounding me. I've been walking barefoot and cold for the past two days. I'm hungry, I'm cold, I don't think I can manage another mile without passing out. I haven't slept in so long.

No cars have passed me at all during the time I've been walking so I'm not really scared those assholes are after me. If they were they would have already caught up to me a long time ago.

All I've been thinking about these past two days has been Bella. She's all I want right now. I just want to get to her, hug her and tell her I'm sorry for leaving her. This was not the best time to get kidnapped. Not after my wife told she was pregnant and apart from that terrified to tell me because she was afraid of my reaction. No more visits to her father, that's for sure. Once I figure what day I'm living in and I get to her, I'm taking her back to Pearl Harbor, I don't care if she throws a tantrum. She will know this was because of her goddamn father and he'll sure pay for this. He can forget seeing his daughter and grandchildren for a long time. Probably not until the kid turns eighteen.

I keep walking until I finally see it. A small gas station on the side of the road. It looked more like an abandoned cottage with a small parking lot, but it was something. And there was cars there! I run - or fast walk - toward the small building and literally push myself inside. I fall on my knees and lay there on the ground. I start coughing my lungs out for a couple of minutes before I finally stop and lay there, enjoying the warmth of the inside.

I start feeling myself slowly drifting to sleep.

"Hey, buddy, this ain't no hotel," a man said from the counter. I opened my eyes and looked up. Two men stood there looking at me with curiosity. One of them was behind the counter chewing on a toothpick and the other with money on his hand, about to hand it over to the other man. "We don't take no homeless here."

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