Chapter 25

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Edward's P.O.V

I clear my throat first before speaking. I don't even know if I can get the words out, can I really speak right now? She just told me she was pregnant... My wife's pregnant and I have no idea how do I feel about it. Am I happy? Sad? Excited? Angry? I clear my throat again and look down at our joined hands at her belly. The thought that there's someone living inside her hits me harder than a rock. She's pregnant.

"I know it's not what you want right now and I know this might seem very scary, trust me it scares me too but I know-" she started speaking so fast, o had no idea what she was saying. All I could think was that she was pregnant. I shake my head and look at her in the eyes. She has tears in her eyes and true fear.

She's scared? She was scared to tell me? She desperate tone in her voice as she speaks, telling me she knows I'm going to be a great father and that she will be there for me every step of the way just make me feel like an asshole.

"How long have you known?" I ask her, cutting her from her desperate words.

She looks at me shocked. "What?"

"How long have you known? Do you know how far you are?"

Her expression never changes and her mouth hangs open. She's surprised at how calm I speak, I am too when on the inside I'm going nuts. I give her an expecting look, waiting for her to tell me how far into her pregnancy she is and how long has she kept this from me.

"I'm... I'm probably no further than two months, maybe. I've known for a few weeks now..."

"Weeks?" I asked shocked. "And when were you planning on telling me?"

"I don't know," she stuttered. "I was scared... I am scared of what your reaction could be, I had no idea how to tell you or what exactly to tell you..."

"Was this what Alice was arguing about last night? This was she wanted you so desperately to tell me?" I asked. Now it makes more sense, she wanted her to tell me she was pregnant because she was too scared to tell me.

Bella nodded. "She's been insistent, I was just too scared-"

I place my fingers on her lips to stop her from saying she was too scared to tell me again. I don't want to hear it, it makes me feel more of an asshole right now.

"Why were you afraid of telling something so important?" I asked.

"I didn't know what your reaction would be. You said and left clear enough that children are not in your plans right now and for me to bring it up after that, it was just too hard and I didn't know what to do."

"Bella, we're husband and wife and we have to be honest with each other. This is the kind of thing I would want to know first instead of your obnoxious sister."

She took a deep breath, looking down at her feet. I place my finger under her chin and make her look at me. I give her an assuring smile and kiss her on the lips.

"You..." She hesitated on what she was about to say and then shook her head and bit her lower lip.

"Tell me." She shook her head again. "Bella, what did I say about being honest with each other?"

She sighed and said, "I know this is not what you wanted, Edward. You left more than clear than having children was not in your wish list."

"It was going to happen either way, Love. I don't want you to worry about it, okay? You're holding my child and now I need to take care of both of you." I kiss her on the forehead. "Now, I'm going to take you home, let you rest up for a bit and while you're taking a nap, I'll be out looking for a good doctor to get you checked up before we go back to Pearl Harbor and have Carlisle take charge."

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