Chapter 33

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There a loud knock on my parents front door, followed by a five second silence before the knock comes right back, harder than the last. I wrap my robe around myself and walk down as quickly as I can before the knocking wakes Marie up and we have a crying infant in our hands. I'm shocked when I open my door and find none other than Mrs. Cullen standing at my parents door step. I look at the clock next to my parents door. She must be an early riser if she's gonna be waking me and my sister up at six in the morning.

"How may I help you?" I ask coldly.

She takes the liberty to step foot inside my parents home. "I came to have breakfast with you. But, by the looks of you, you have not risen yet." She eyes me up and down in my robe.

I wrap it tighter in my robe and say, "well, it's been a very tiring week. I was rather tired."

She nods and looks around. "I'll wait here while you get ready. I doubt there will be anything worth eating here so I saw a decent looking place two streets down."

I nod, holding back the urge to kick her out of my parents house. However, this is a tough time for the two of us, Edward being in jail right now means the both of us have to be together in this until we find a way to get him out of there. I walk up stairs and go my sister's room. This has been hard for her as well since Jasper is the only support she has with Marie and having his locked up with Edward is a big issue. She's sitting on her bed with Marie curled up in a ball beside her. I walk up to her and sit down beside her.

"Who was that at the door?" She asks with a distant look.

I shrug. "Edward's mother. She has to have dinner with me, but I got a feeling it either has to do with her boy being in jail or me being pregnant. Who knows, maybe both."

Alice nods. "Are you going with her?"

"Yes," I say sadly. "You think you can manage a couple hours without me? I'll here as soon as I can."

She nods again. "Yeah, I'll be fine. Marie won't wake for another thirty minutes."

"Okay." I kiss her forehead. "I'll be back."

God, the situation is almost like the one we were in back in Pearl Harbor when Jasper was shipped to the Middle East and my sister became a the walking dead up until she went into denial that she had any feelings left for him. I walk up to the door when she stops me.



"What would it take for them to get out of there?"

I smile sadly at her. "If our father admits that they didn't do anything to harm him. However, knowing our father, that man won't admit he's wrong, no matter how much we beg him."

I take my time getting ready. I may not be rude to that woman, but I will take my sweet time to test her nerves. I still haven't forgotten that little scene she pulled up at the home we rented back in Pear Harbor when she thought Edward and I were engaged before I realized how much I loved him. Not to mention her not showing up at her son's wedding because the bride was not of her choosing. Once I'm ready, I walk back to my living and catch her looking down at one of my childhood pictures. A picture of me dressed in a flower dress and a red ribbon on my hair. I was probably eight at the time. She looks at me when I reach the last steps and asks, "how old were you when this photograph was taken?"

"Eight, ma'am."

She nods again. "Well, at least you were a decent looking child. That way I'm sure what my grandchild will look like. You ready, puppet?"


"Yes, ma'am. Lead the way."

The walk to the local diner was a short, but painfully silent one. I never thought there would come a time where I'd be walking down my old neighborhood side by side with my mother in law, who doesn't happen to like me much. Mrs. Cullen do not cross word up until we are seated at a booth and our menus are handed over.

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