Chapter 35

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Bella's P.O.V

"Don't worry, Mrs. Cullen, I'll have something done about Officer Johnson actions against you." Hunter walked me out of his office. The look on his face showed the worry and pity he felt for me.

I turn to face him and say, "the only thing I want to have done is have my husband freed. If it isn't that, you're no help at all."

Mom wraps her arm around me and pulls me back. "Come on, sweetie. Let's go."

I let my Mom guide me out of the police station. The sun had already set, the sky was covered in clouds. The breeze was cold and it made me shiver. I lightly pull out of my mother's grip and walk beside her down the street. Neither of us speak a word. She doesn't say anything to console me or offer me some peace, she keeps quiet and I'm sure part of it is because she knows what's going through my mind.

"You let him control our lives," I say as we walked. "Every single part of it. Who we talked to, interacted with, when we were allowed to leave and with whom. God, even when we took a goddamn breath."

"Bella..." There she goes, off to set an excuse for my father's unreasonable behavior.

I stop walking. "You let him raise us in a living hell! Send us to the war as nurses because he had no boys to exploit! But no, it was all fine, Ma. All fine as long as he still loved you and treated you like a queen! But what about us?" I cried. "What about me? My life... It's all over now. Edward hates me-"

"He doesn't-"

"He does! I dragged him into this family, caused him problems he would have been free of if it wasn't for me! All this drama and unhappiness only because I fell in love with a man that wasn't meant to be mine." I wipe my tears away. "My father won't control my life anymore, Ma. I won't allow him to. I'm not gonna be his puppet just like you are his."

Ma looked at me with tearful eyes and there was nothing left to say. We walked back home in silence. By the time we got there, in the living room sat my father in his reclining chair, Alice sat beside him with Marie and Jasper glared at him from the other side of the room. Madam Sofia and her son sat across from him. They all turned to me when I walked in.

My eyes met my father's, who immediately looked away. "Happy now, father?" He didn't answer. "You've taken him away. I have nothing left."

Alice looks down to Marie.

I take a deep breath and brush my hair from my face. "I'm... Uh... I'm going to go pack my things."

Ma stepped right in. "What? No, sweetie..."

"Ma," I warn her. "I'm a grown woman and I get to make my own decisions. Right now I want to get the hell out of here."

"Where are you gonna go?" Madam Sofia asked, her eyes glaring at me.

I take a deep breath. "Home." Jasper looked up at me and frowned. "Jasper, if it's not too much to ask, I'd like to ask you if you could take me to the train station. I'll spend the night there and wait for the next train to California. I'm going back to Harbor."

Jasper pushed himself off the wall. "Bella, you're not gonna spend the night in a train station. Please, go to bed and get some rest. If by the morning you still want to go, I'll take you."

He's right. The train station is probably not even open at this time. I silently thank him with a nod and without another word, I walk back to my bedroom. I'll talk to Mrs. Cullen and Diana in the morning before I leave, maybe they'll understand. Edward would not want our child to be born under my parents roof and certainly not with Madam Sofia around. I'm willing to grant him that wish. Even if it breaks my heart.

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