Chapter 9

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The sweet melody of Hold Me Tight was starting.Fans shouted and clapped along.The song is sadly sweet.And the meanings are beautiful.

"~~Hug me,hold me tight~~"

"~Can you trust me,can you trust me,can you trust me?Jebal,jebal jebal keuranajhwo~"

[Author:Im so sorry if the 'romanization' is wrong ><' )

After Hold Me Tight, no more songs came up.

"How do you all enjoy the songs?"V asked.

"We love it alot!"


"Ye,V wrote the song.Isn't it awesome?" Jimin continued.
[Author: *cough*cough* Vmin XD]

"Of course!"

With the songs, the fanmeet has 'officially' started. Converse High began playing in the background.

This fanmeet was probably abit different than some other fanmeets. For the first two hours or so,it was more of a fansign. But unlike normal fansigns, this one has to be done fast so the other activities could be done, too.

The first row got to do their fansign first.

"Eve, what did you bring to get signed?" you asked her.

"I don't have much Bangtan stuff,so I brought all I had," she took out her merchandise.

There was the Dark-n-Wild album and Hyyh Pt 1.She also had unofficial BTS photoprints ( printed pictures).Since Eve was legit multi-fandom, she had to limit how much merchandise she could buy from each group.

Eve asked to see the merchandise you brought and you took them out from your bag. You kept all your merchandise really neatly, since they meant the most to you.

"Wow," Evelyn gushed.

"I didn't bring all my merchandise, 'cos I'm sure we can't get everything signed on time," you told her.

You brought most official merchandise. You quickly chose which of the items you brought, you had wanted to get signed.You decided to get two albums and a few official photosets signed. Some of which you had bought with your own savings, others begging your parents, of course to buy for very special occassions.

[Author: Trust me, I'm not even this lucky *cries because I'm broke, BangTan why you do this to my heartu?*]

After almost 45 minutes, it was row 4's turn. Your heart had gained speed and you could hear it.

'Omo..I'll be able to face them and talk to them! Yayayyyyy!'

You were waiting in line, just about 4 people away from the first member, Jimin.

"(y/n), help me hold my items, please. I need to tie my shoelaces," Evelyn turned and pass you her items.

Just as she finished tying her shoes, someone tapped your shoulder. You turned around, it was Mingyu who tapped.

"(y/n)?" he asked.

You didn't want to answer him straight away. You were abit shocked. You can't say that it wasn't you, since he heard Eve talking to you.

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