Chapter 13

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You realised that Butterfly had just ended and snapped out of your flashback. BTS were waving and A.R.M.Y. were waving back. Tears were going down your cheek, from both the song and your past...

' Why did I suddenly remember the past? It's been a long time.. why do I still remember him?'

Evelyn had already stood up, oblivious to your condition and had started screaming.


You laughed at her when she sat back down, crossing her arms. He obviously didn't see her.

Then music in the background started playing, and that was probably the only official way they could end the fanmeet. Danger began to play and you hummed the lyrics, after finally standing up to leave. Everyone was exiting and BTS were near the door. If you were lucky, you might just be able to hi-five you. But there were so many fans and only 7 members, your chance was slim.

Because of the crowd, Eve and you got separated. But you noticed her when she finally got to hi-five Jimin.

You finally passed BTS and got to hi-five Namjoon. You smiled at him before coming out the big door.

From there, the crowd dispersed, and you felt an instant relieve that there wasn't much people around. You looked around, trying to find Evelyn. She couldn't have just left you, right? You started running around, in search for her.

' I can't be lost..I just can't..'

Unlike you, she knew the place.

Then you felt a hand around your wrist, you turned around immediately and frowned.

Unfortunately, no it wasn't Evelyn. Can you guess?

It was Lee Mingyu.

You pulled your wrist away, and Mingyu apologised.

" What do you want?" you asked him, shooting glares at him.

" Hey, relax, I'm not gonna hurt you. You just seem lost, so I-"

' Eek..loser, stalker. And how would I know your'e not gonna hurt me like all those times?'

" No, I'm fine. Really," you snapped at him even before he could finish talking.

You turned on your heel, but just before taking your third step, you turned around again, facing Mingyu.

He hadn't move from the spot you left him.

" Oh, and by the way, I do not like it when you act as if we're friends. 'Cos we definitely are not, will never be, have never been."

You said this while looking straight in his eyes. He didn't answer, but he looked.. sad. Of course, you didn't care. Just before you turned to leave him again, he spoke.

" I'm sorry, (y/n), I really am."

You didn't answer, but you didn't need to when someone came running towards your direction.

"(y/n)!" Evelyn came running to you and hugged you from the left.

" Where have you been? And why are you with.." she trailed of.

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