Chapter 18

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You had unwrapped the present gifted to you before you slept. There were 7 handwritten birthday cards in different shapes. There was a small box which was filled with polaroids which were taken by the boys themselves. You appreciated everything they had given you from polaroids of their selcas to signed official limited items which you did not already have.

Your brother stared at everything they had given you, silently judging. He asked questions like ' Why do they mean so much to you' or ' why do you even become a fangirl'. You ignored him, its not the first time he asked them anyways. He had threathened to tell dad about what happened, Taehyung hugging you and all. It didn't mattered. He never really tells on you.

>>>Time skip: THE NEXT DAY- SCHOOL<<<

It was only when you arrived at school that you remembered Hui-Jun would be schooling here, too. How would you introduce him to your friends? ' Hey Eve, remember Hui-Jun? Yeah the guy I told you about? This is him.' Introducing was never your strong point. Somehow every time you introduced two people to each other, it seemed as if there will always be an awkward atmosphere.

You were kicking at small rocks, deep in thought when you heard someone call your name. You knew who it was even before turning around.

' Its been a long time since you called me like that, isn't it?'

Hui-Jun was facing you with a grin. And its not the first time you actually noticed how good-looking he has become. Not head-over-heels cute, but still worth swooning over.

" Jun, how did you find me?" you hesitated upon using his old nickname.

Would he still accept it?

" I just walked mindlessly.. Its probably instinct," he said, shrugging.

You chuckled. He hasn't changed much.

" Have you gotten your timetable?"

He nodded his head and took out a piece of paper from his bag. You both compared it to your own.

" We have homeroom and most of the classes together," Hui-Jun pointed out.

You were secretly happy with this. But now you wanted to take some time to catch-up with him.

" Hui-Jun, what- no-why? Like I mean you are permanently staying here, right?" you wanted to ask much more, bombard him with questions actually, but decided it would be a bad idea.

" Yes, I am permanently staying here. My parents decided that our hometown was better than where we had moved to. Besides, I kept bugging them about going back. They probably got annoyed and gave in," he said, giving a smug smile.

" You were always a good boy to your parents though. What changed?" you asked, raising an eyebrow.

" Hey, don't blame me. No (y/n) happened. I made new friends, but most of them remained distant to me. Maybe I had a different accent, but still. Anyways, I really missed you too. I thought you had forgetten me."

You almost laughed. How could you forget someone as important as Hui-Jun? You would be a terrible person if you did.

" I just realised how lonely you are without me," you said teasingly.

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