I'm 'it'

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Heyy, I think you guys guessed it by the title^

I got tagged by @wildelerulz
The profile doesn't come up T^T

The 'rules' are on top, super simple. I did something like this like 10 chapters ago.. hehe.


1; You know that I'm lazy 'cos I skipped rule 1

2; I love reading!!~ And it's not only Wattpad, I read a lot too~

3; If you guys haven't guessed it, I'm pretty sure I'm younger than most Wattpadders out there. (Really!) So, when some readers call me 'Unnie', I feel bad. It's like getting respect I don't deserve. What am I saying?

4; The cats in this BTS×Reader are based on real cats, mine.  Irl, Snowy is a mixed breed of a Scottish Fold and Ragdoll while we found Milo near a small store. Their having their 3rd batch of kittens soon. They're proud parents and so am I.

5; I'm writing a collab Taehyung fanfic called 'Hold Me Tight' with angelsvt ~ Do check it out!! The book is under her account :)

6; Seventeen's new album is going to come out and I'm contemplating. Have you seen their concept photos? Akshgskzgdhwksh

7; I'm short. 5 foot. Such a nice number... Shhhhhh

8; I like to try learning Kpop dances, sadly I'm not the best but I have taught myself some songs. :))

9; I'm the oldest in my fam. ;_; Not technically, but the oldest of my siblings

10; I'm grateful to my friends who have helped me become a better writer. I'm always trying to improve my writing and do better!

11; I feel bad for updating so late all the time. But I have a busy life. And I try to write as much in a chapter. I thank you guys who have been reading this book for so long, and continuously vote and stayed to it.

12; On some days, the views go up by (almost) 1k and I feel so blessed

13; I'm just going to be very honest. You all remember how I said in my last tag how Jin is my ub?
Someone took me to the top and I fell straight down like a gyro drop..

Can you all guess?^


Yayy~ another 13 facts about me

Before I tag 15 people ;) ,
I want to announce about an upcoming fanfiction!

I'm really pumped about this one and have already wrote a couple chapters.
It's going to be posted on his birthday this year~
The writing style is shorter and not like this one. It's a new style and I really hope you all like it<3
I hope you guys are anticipating 'cos I am HAHA

Now, for the 15 people;

-kaizar // porkjams // xxangel1004xx // Canadian_Kpop // ImKetchup // Rebeccah16 // the_just // lameari // Siren_Scream // angelsvt // ThatWishingStar // crave_my_thoughts // trashtime // xxRuinedxx // wtkfics

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2016 ⏰

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