Chapter 21

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Sungmo Ah-Yeong gave a hearty laugh before answering your question.

" He's my nephew, dear. In fact, you, Hui-Jun, reminded me of another of my nephews."

You looked at Hui-Jun. He had rested his head on his arm. Sungmo Ah-Yeong only raised her eyebrows, confused by his reaction.

" Sungmo, I am your nephew," he hid his face in his hands," I thought you looked familiar.. Arghh.. forgive me because I didn't recognise you."

' Is it bad that his embarrassment is so freaking cute!?'

She began laughing," Why are you apologising? I didn't recognise you, too. Besides, its not as if we see each other all the time."

You laughed at the scene that had played out in front of you. Who knew they were related?

" Those two- Mingyu and MiSuk- are together? Like- I mean, they're dating, right? " you asked, even though you had already knew the answer.

" You're right, but their relationship doesn't make sense. MiSuk isn't being honest with Mingyu. And I'm pretty sure he knows it already. But the worst part is, I don't think he wants to let go of her. In the short time Mingyu's been living here, I've caught him crying a few times because of her. He wouldn't talk to me about it," she sighed before continuing," You guys know Mingyu, right? If it's possible, can you both knock some sense into him? Please? He's a good kid, I don't want him to just restrict himself like this."

' He's a good kid now, huh?'

In all your years of knowing Sungmo Ah-Yeong, she had never asked a favour from you. The most was to watch out for Aeri when she was younger, and that's it. Nothing else.

" Um.. We'll try," you answered for both you and Hui-Jun.

He didn't seem to know how to answer.

A family of eight entered, forcing Sungmo to leave the table. You were actually relieved that she was gone and busy.

" How are we even gonna convince him?" Hui-Jun questioned, eating his last spoonful of rice.

You shrugged, not knowing the answer as well. You drank the last of the sweet drink you had ordered.

You and Hui-Jun walked to the counter to pay for the meal. 

" Your meals are on the house," Sungmo Ah-Yeong winked, " Aeri-ah! (y/n) is leaving, come say bye!"

In ten seconds the energetic girl had arrived next to you, holding your hand.

" Eunnie, please don't go.. I haven't seen you for so long," she pleaded, pouting her lips.

You honestly missed her bubbly presence too. You would take her out, if Sungmo and Hui-Jun agreed.

" Um.. Sungmo Ah-Yeong could I maybe take Aeri out?" you suggested.

Aeri's eyes lit up, while her mother completed the idea silently.

" Oh, why not. It's be good for her to be able to talk to you more. Just remember to bring her back by dinner," she replied.

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