Chapter 11: Reality

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Chapter Eleven: Reality

He wished the world would end.

He wished it would all burn so he wouldn't have to feel anything at all anymore. Not the crushed sensation inside him, not the aching of his heart ripped up from within, not the burning agony his body was in after being brutalized for so long, and not the look Ella was giving him.

He could feel her piercing stare on his mutilated back as he followed the small brunette down the medieval cobblestone street, mostly because it made his gut feel like it was burning. He emotionally and mentally disconnected from himself while he walked to get away, throwing himself into the mindless void he'd always escaped to during the times he couldn't endure. 

Silence filled his mind and ears until he walked around the corner of the marketplace, but only thirty seconds after that a large amount of chaos broke out behind them. He heard shouts of anger, and people yelling Ella's name, and hysterical wailing from a number of voices, but as he walked the cacophony grew more distant, something he was grateful for.

His whole body still ached from the previous beatings he'd received, not counting the new one, and the last thing he needed or wanted was a headache on top of it. The girl in front of him kept an even pace as she led him down the street, but it wasn't until they rounded another corner that she unexpectedly whirled around, crystal blue eyes sparkling behind her glasses.

"Isn't it great, Phil?!" she squeaked, smiling up at him with relief written across her features. "You don't have to die anymore! You're free! And now, because everyone knows that you're really a faery, nobody would dare to lay a finger on you! You're safe from harm!"

He looked at her, not sure about what to say, because it wasn't great. 

Hell, if anything, he actually felt more desolate than when he'd initially taken his own life, but she was looking at him with eyes that practically pleaded for him to say he was okay, and she was one of the only three people in wherever the hell this was to show him any kindness.

So, instead of being grim, he masked his emotions and nodded in an almost robotic manner.

"Awesome," he said in a voice that sounded dead even to his own ears; he winced and tried to liven his tone as he added, "at the very least, I won't be treated like an animal anymore."

She instantly bit her lip, looking a little dismayed.

"I'm so sorry," she sighed, lowering her eyes with a guilty expression. "I haven't even introduced myself to you, and here I am trying to make light of all the horror you went through."

"It isn't a big deal. Really."

Which was a lie, a big fat one, but his words had the desired effect and a gentle smile of relief touched her bright blue eyes. 

"Let's get formally acquainted, shall we?" she trilled, bowing her head and regarding him through long lashes. "My name is Amelia Von Dolan. I'm an herbalist and part-time healer... although, my magic isn't very strong."

Xaphile blinked, then tilted his head, brows furrowing a little.

"Magic?" he asked. "What do you mean by magic?"

"Oh, basic stuff like healing flesh wounds and cleansing infection," she sighed, flapping a dismissive hand. "Really, my curative ability isn't anything special. Let's get you settled in, shall we?"

He bit his tongue and let out a huff since he obviously hadn't gotten the point of his question, but he decided not to push it because things definitely weren't normal in wherever he was.

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