Chapter Two

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I wake up the next morning with Adrian's arm wrapped around my neck. I scoot over and then sit up. Adrian takes in deep breaths, and lays down on his side. I get off of my bed and clean up the mess we made last night, and charge my laptop.

I walk over to my vanity and grab a hair tie so I can put my hair in a bun. I walk over to my night stand and grab my phone. The first thing I see is that my mom tagged me in a post over Facebook.

I open Facebook and see that it's a picture of Adrian and me cuddling in bed. He has his back to me and I have my body pressed against his back. My arm is laying over his torso and he's holding my hand. The caption she out is "They can't live with each other but they can't live without each other" and I see that it already had 70 likes and 15 comments. I smile at the picture and save it.
I walk to the living room and open Facebook to look at the comments.

Marie Borquez (my moms best friend)
I haven't seen them sleep like since they were little!!! So cute

Daniel Solis (my uncle)
Aweee my man isn't as big as I thought he was 😂

Pearl Gonzalez (a friend of my moms)
They look so cute!!

Trey Williams (one of my friends)
All I see is Danny and Adrian fight. It's so good to see that they love each other

Drake Hernandez (another friend of mine)
Adrian looks so cute (: oh look, there's Danny

Victor Solis (my brother)
Aweee wish I was there in bed with them

Jay Young (my ex)
Danny looks so cute, like always

I don't even bother looking at the rest of the comments. I stare at his comment. Why would he comment that? People are gonna think I went back to him. I exit Facebook and lock my phone. Does he really want me back? Does he really miss me? Or is he just lonely? Is he trying to make my mom not hate him? Is he trying to get me back? Did he even mean everything he said yesterday? I don't understand why all of a sudden he wants me now.

He's probably just lonely. He probably just wants some company. Maybe the girl he was cheating on me with finally left him. Maybe I'm just his backup plan. I probably am.

I leave my phone on the couch and go to my bathroom. As I go into my room, Adrian is still crashed out on my bed. I grab a pair of plain denim shorts, and a blue tank top with a flower on my side. I pick out a pair of underwear and a bra and take my clothes into the bathroom with me. I almost forgot my lotion and my towel. I go back into my room and quickly retrieve those items.
When I finish showering I can hear that my tv is on. I dry myself, put on lotion and get dressed. Then I put my clothes in the hamper and go into my room.

"Good morning." I tell Adrian.

He looks at me. "Morning. Your bed is like super comfy." He tells me. "I slept like a baby last night."

I laugh to myself. "Cause of me." I joke. "Did you see what mom posted in Facebook?" I ask him as I begin brushing my hair.

He furrows his eyebrows at me. "Umm, no." He says and quickly looks through his phone.

"Oh my god." He mumbles to himself. He looks through his phone some more. "Cindy would like this." He shakes his head and then all of a sudden he stops.

He looks at me, and then back at his phone. "Are you and Jay back together or something?" He asks me, almost seeming kind of angry.

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