Chapter Twenty-Five

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It's been a few days since Marcus had dinner with us and spent the night. I still haven't told my told what happened between Angel and I, and I honestly do not plan on telling her. If I tell her what happened, she would never let me move in with Marcus. She probably wouldn't want me seeing him anymore. Victor understood, Adrian didn't and I have no idea how my mom will react, and it's probably best if she didn't know. Unless Adrian or Victor told her, then it's complete out of my hands, but I pray and pray that they didn't tell her and won't tell her.

I'm currently in my little nail room fixing up my nails. I decided not to trim them down and keep them the same length, but change the color. I also decided to keep them in the coffin shape. I painted them a matte white with a black henna design on my ring finger. Which was the hardest thing I have ever had to do wince I have a cast on my hand. The designs on my left hand didn't look nearly as pretty as the designs on my right hand, but I had really had no choice but to deal with it; unless I wanted to start all over again. As I set my hands under the fan to let my nails dry, my mother walks in. 

She takes a seat in front of me and laughs through her nostrils. "Even with your cast on you still do nails better than I ever will." She looks at me and I smile at her. "So, I have something to confess to you. Please don't tell your bothers, I will tell them when I think it's appropriate." She says nervously. My heart races and I have no idea what to expect. 

"Okay," I begin in a shaky voice. "You can trust me, Mom." I say softly.

"I am about two months pregnant with, of course, Omar's baby." She takes a long pause and I'm in shock. I really have no idea how this happened. She got her tubes tied a few weeks after our father passed away. I look at her and she has tears in her eyes. "I have absolutely no clue how this happened, baby. I shouldn't be pregnant." She whispers, mostly to herself in a weary voice.

"Mom, it's okay. It's okay." I say softly. "I know you, you'll get through this. It's not a bad thing, at all. You're just expanding our family and I'm sure all of us will love this new baby just as much as we all love each other now." She smiles softly. "It's going to be okay, I promise."

She takes in a deep breath and slowly lets it out. "I just can't believe it happened. I really was not planning to have another kid. I mean, Adrian is seventeen years old. The age difference is going to be so weird. Victor is engaged and moved in with Jasmine and you're in college and have your own job. I don't see this working out, honey." She looks down at her lap and plays with her nails that I haven't filled in for a while.

"Mom, it's going to be okay. It's going to work out. I know it wasn't part of your plans at all, but now it is. It's going to be fine." I say soothingly.

She nods her head softly and sighs. "I know, baby." He pauses and then looks at me. "And here's part two of my news: since Omar and I are expecting he's going to be moving soon within the next couple of months or so. We haven't figured out all the details yet, but we know that he's going to be moving in soon and the baby will probably sleep with us for a while and eventually, maybe, share a room with you." She says the last part almost like a question.

I smile at her. "I might have some news too." I say slowly.

"Please, do not tell me you're pregnant too." Her eyes fill up with tears again. "We can't have two emotional, pregnant women in this house, and what if Marcus moves in. We're not gonna have room for your baby, my baby, Omar and Marcus and Adrian." She begins to think out loud, but I interrupt her from overthinking everything.

"No, no, no. I'm not pregnant, Mom." I say and she lets out a sigh of relief. "Thank God." We say at the same time. "I was actually gonna tell you that Marcus invited me to move in with him. He said his sister is moving out within the next couple months and he doesn't want to be alone. I understand if you think it's too soon and if you do I'll stay here at home with you and Adrian." I say quickly, hoping she understood what I said.

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