Chapter Twelve

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I wake up the next morning, trying my hardest to get out of bed. I groan loudly, and lay down my back. I open my eyes and look around my room. Everything still so dark, so I look at the windows. The sun in shining behind my curtains, so I should probably get up. I can't believe it's only Wednesday. I sit up and grab my phone. Since I have no notifications, I put my phone back down and turn on my light.

Then comes the hardest part about my day: getting ready. I do my normal routine, shower, eat breakfast, brush my teeth, put on some makeup, then get dressed. Today I decided just to go with a pair of black jeans that hug my hips perfectly, and a plain white, shirt. I put on all white Nike's, and then finish up by putting on perfume and deodorant. With my makeup, I decided to put a light layer of foundation, a simple wing, I filled in my brows, applied small, simple falsies, and bronzed my face just a little. I decided to just leave my hair alone today.

School wasn't too hectic. I had a few things I had to catch up on, but I was able to catch up in class. We weren't doing much in class today. Right now it's lunch time, and I have about an hour lunch, maybe a little longer. I have no idea where I want to eat, though. I decide to just drive around for a few minuets to decide where I want to eat. I ended up choose this sushi place. As I get off my car, I get a call. It's from Marcus.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Hey, cutie. What are you up to?" He asks me.

I look at the sushi place, and see that it's nearly empty. "I'm about to eat lunch, you?" I ask back, and begin to walk into the restaurant.

"Can I join?" He asks me with a smile on his face.

I can't help but smile. "Yeah, I'm here at this sushi place on Main Street." I tell him.

I hear him him behind the phone. "I love that place, it's so good. I'm on my way, cutie. I'll be there in about ten minutes." He tells me. "Can you wait outside for me?" He asks me.

I nod my head, then shortly realize he can't see me. "Of course I can. I'll see you soon, boo." I say, flirtatiously.

I feel his smile get wider. "See you in a few, cutie." He says and hangs up.

I get back in my car as I wait for him, scrolling through my Twitter feed. I wonder where he was if he's just ten minuets away from here and he lives about 45 minutes away from here. I shrug it off and wait patiently. The tens minutes he said he'd be here in, didn't feel like ten minutes. It felt a lot shorter than ten minuets. When I see Marcus, he looks dirty. He has a dirty, plain white t-shirt, and dirty blue jeans, with work boots on. His hair is a mess, too.

I get out of my car and lock it. "Where have you been?" I ask him.

He smiles at me. "Work." He replies as he continues walking towards me.

I furrow my eyebrows as I wait for him to reach me. "Where do you work?" I ask when he's only feet away from me.

"The mechanic place a few blocks away from here." He says and leads me into the sushi restaurant. "A lot of people don't know about it, but the pay is great." He says, opening the door for me.

I enter the restaurant and pick out a table for two, a waiter shortly comes to the table. Marcus and I order our drinks, and resume talking.

"Hey," I say catching Marcus' attention. "Can I ask you something?" Marcus nods his head. "Have you talked to Jay at all lately, it came in contact with him?" I ask, removing my eyes from the menu to look at him.

He shakes his head lightly, as he keeps his eyes glued to the menu. "I haven't, why?" He asks back.

I shrug my shoulders lightly and look back my menu. I stay quiet for a few minuets, until I feel Marcus' eyes on me. I don't look up from my menu, but I respond to him. "He came to my house the other day. He was telling me that he wanted me back, and he was trying to back with me." I pause as our waiter arrives at our table.

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