Chapter Twenty-Four

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"Baby," Marcus says in a deep, raspy, sleepy voice. "I need to go. It's late and I have work tomorrow morning."

He attempts to get up but I wrap my legs tighter around his waist and place my hand on his cheek.

"Please, babe?" I plead in a soft voice. "Just a little longer."

I try to give him my best puppy eyes but it doesn't seem to work. So my next attempt is to look at him like he's a snack and bite my lip. It catches his attention, so I flip us over to lay down on top of him. I slowly inch my face close to him until my lips are millimeters away from his.

"How about you stay the night." I say softly and then sit on his stomach, resting my hands on his chest.

He gives me the cutest smile on planet Earth and then places hos hands on my waist. "Cutieeee!" He exclaims softly. The way he stretches out the word makes butterflies flutter in my stomach. "I have work tomorrow morning."

"I'll take you to work tomorrow. Please?" I plead some more and trail my fingers up his chest.

He begins to wrap his arms around my torso, pulling me towards him. "Deal." He says in a sleepy voice then pecks my lips. "Let's go get my stuff."

He sits up, and somehow, swiftly brings me up with him. I have no idea how it happened, but it did. I slip on some flip-flops and we begin to walk towards the front door. I parked my car in front of the lawn, since I agreed to give Marcus a ride back home before we left his.

"Cutie?" Marcus asks softly when we get inside my car.

"Yes?" I ask back.

"We should move in together." He hesitates to spit it out. "My sister is moving out in about a month and I know I'll be getting lonely in that big house."

"Marcus..." I trail off softly, looking deep into his eyes just as he looks into mine.

"I'm sorry." He says immediately. "I know it was too soon to ask. I just-"

"Marcus," I say interrupting him. I place my hand on his cheek and smile at him, causing him to smile back at me. "I'm flattered, baby. It's not too soon... for me, but I don't know what my family will say. I can suggest it to my mom to see what she would say." I say softly.

"No, it's okay. I know it was too soon. I'm sorry." He says quickly, breaking eye contact by looking down.

"My love, stop apologizing. I promise it's okay. I would love to move in with you. I can't imagine how many memories we would make together."

He gives me the biggest ever. "Can you at least think about it?" He asks me leaning back in the seat.

"Of course." I say and start the car.

On the way to his house, Marcus falls asleep leaving me lone with my thoughts and whatever music is playing. Maybe I could slowly move into Marcus' house. Leave a few things at his house, like some clothes or makeup I don't use very much, and start sleeping at his house more often. Maybe I should unofficially move in. Like, stay most nights at his house but still stay at my own house and leave most f my stuff at his house. I really don't know.

I don't even know what my mom, or Victor, or Adrian will say. Adrian will probably hate the idea and me. Victor might not care, he might like the idea. And my mom... she might think it's too soon and be totally against it and not let me move in with him. Maybe I can just visit my mom everyday. I really have no idea how this whole situation will work, or if it's even going to work.

When we finally get to Marcus' house, I wake him up and we bot go inside the house. Living here would really just be so amazing. All this room and the backyard pond just makes the whole moving in this so much harder to think about.

"Baby?" Marcus asks me in the softest voice.

I just look at him with soft eyes in response.

He garbs my hand and pulls me into his room from the hallway. He holds me close so our bodies are touching. His hands softly cup my face as I wrap my arms around his waist.

"I honestly love you so much." He stays still, just staring at me in the darkness.

"I love you just as much, babe." I say softly and gently brush my lips against his.

'Okay, okay..." he mumbles against my lips. "I need to get my stuff." He says, letting go of me but then comes back for one more peck.

I look around his room while he gets his stuff ready. The first place I look is his night stand next to his bed and find a picture framed of him, his sister, his parents - I'm assuming - and one younger girl that I have no idea about. I keep looking around and see more pictures of the mysterious little girl just lying around. Some of them with Marcus, others with his parents, and come just by herself.

"My love?" I ask softly and look for Marcus in the dimly lit room from his lam on his night stand.

"Yes, baby?" He asks back and zips up the small backpack he was packing.

I pick up the framed picture from his night stand. His heart breaks in his eyes and he just stand there. "Um..." I hesitates to ask the question. "Who's this little girl?" 

"She's..." He also hesitates. "She's my little sister." He says nothing else.

"How come you don't talk about her?" I can hear the concern in my own voice.

"She's... um... she passed away a couple years ago. It just still feels too soon for me, to, you know, talk about her." He pauses and looks down at his feet. "I'm sorry, it's hard to..." He doesn't know what to say anymore.

"No, no, no. Don't be sorry, baby." I say softly and gently put the picture frame back on his night stand. "I'm so sorry." That's all I know what to say.

"It's... it's fine." He grabs his backpack and then grabs my hand. "You remind me of her sometimes." He admits.

"Really? How?"

"Your eyes and your stubbornness. She had he biggest attitude ever." He gives me a sad smile.

I smile at him, but he looks away and we continue walking back to my car. Once again, the car ride back home was silent. This time Marcus wasn't asleep, but he didn't say anything. So, I just listened to the music that was playing and I'm assuming Marcus was too; either that or he was thinking about his sister. Which I should not have brought up. I should've known. 

When we get to my house, we go directly to my room. Marcus lays down in my bed, getting under the covers and making himself comfortable while I change into a pair of Nike spandex and a loose t-shirt. I crawl into bed and cuddle up against Marcus. He immediately wraps his arms tightly around me, pulling me close. He takes one of his hands and gently places it on my cheek.

"I love you and I need you

"I only want you." Marcus sings softly to me.

I smile at him and gently peck his lips. "And nobody's going to know if it's true." I sing back.

This time he smiles at me. He cuddles up against me, resting his head on my chest and wrapping his arms around my waist. I place my hand on his head and hold his close. Before I know it, we both fell deep asleep.

(Gone above) it's really long btw lmao

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