Chapter Fifteen

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It's been a couple days since Marcus and I have seen each other. I've been busy catching up with school and work, and Marcus has been busy with work. At least I think he has. Maybe I'm just trying to reason with myself to not put the blame on myself.

I really miss him though. I feel like I haven't seen him in the longest time. I pick up my phone and see if I have any notifications, but I don't. I unlock my phone and call Marcus; he takes a while to answer.

"Hey," he answers and comes to pause but doesn't say anything.

"Hey, babe. I really miss you." I say and slowly trace the pattern of the couch with my nail.

Marcus chuckles, but he's not amused. "You do?" He questions.

I furrow my eyebrows and almost immediately feel my heart drop. I was not expecting this. I was hoping he'd be excited to talk to me, or tell me how much he missed me as well. I didn't expect him to be so rude about it. I hold back my urge to argue and let it pass.

"Yes," I say softly. "I haven't seen you in a while, and we haven't really talked much these couple of days."

Marcus stays quiet for a long while. I have no idea if he's thinking about what to say or just flat out ignoring me. I stay quiet as well, hoping he'd say something, anything.

"Marcus.." I trail off in a question.

"It's been two days Daniella." He finally says, but he says it so harshly. "You obviously don't miss me if you don't have the time to talk to me."

I stay quiet, lost in Marcus' tone, wondering why he's so mad at me. "Marcus, I missed, like, three days of school. I've had a lot of catching up to do, I still haven't even finished." I explain.

I can feel Marcus' annoyance through the phone. "Okay, Daniella." He says.

"I'm sorry, Marcus." I pause, looking for the right words to say. "I do miss you, I really do. I've just been really busy, and I should've told you. I'm sorry, babe." I say softly, but Marcus doesn't say anything. "How about we go out to dinner tonight. I'll pay, okay?"

Again, Marcus stays quiet; not saying a single word. "I miss you, and I'm going to see you. Be ready by 7, I'm going to pick you up." I finish and hang up.

I stare at my phone for a while, just looking at Marcus' name until my screen goes back and I'm forced to look at my own reflection. Fed up with my bare face, I place my phone down on the arm of the couch and look at my nails, thinking about Marcus. Why wasn't he saying anything? Is he really that mad at me? Does he miss me? I look up front my nails, and look at the clock. It's barely about to be three, and I'm already showered and have some makeup on. My nails do need a refill, so I guess I could refill them to pass time.

I grab my phone and walk to my little nail set up. I sit down and begin to play music, set my phone down and take out my equipment. My nails have gotten long, since I haven't really trimmed them down in a while. I don't mind though, I like my nails long. I take off the nail color and shape my nails to a coffin shape. Once my nails were refilled I decided not to paint them any color, but I topped it off with a matte top coat and a small acrylic flower my my ring finger. I place my hand in the LED nail dryer and wait for my nails to be ready.

I hear a quiet knock on the window, so I turn my head to the window and see my mom peeking her head past the doorway.

"Hi, mamas," she greets. "I hope you're not too busy." She says and sits down in front of me.

"Not at all, why?" I ask and lean back in my hair, keeping my nails in the dryer.

"I might need a refill on my nails." She says slowly. She gets up and looks at my nail colors.

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