Chapter Twenty-Three

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I finally find myself stopping by at Marcus' house after work, still dressed in my scrubs. He comes walking towards my car before I'm even able to get out of it, with the biggest smile on his face and the happiest walk. I can't help but find myself giving him the goofiest smile before I get out of my car. 

"Hey, cutie." He says walking over to my side of the car, wrapping one of his arms around my waist and pulls me close to him.

I still have that big goofy smile plastered on my face. "Hi, my love." I say and place one of my hands on the back of his neck.

"You look so cute in your scrubs." He plants a soft kiss on my lips. "You always look cute, in everything. Every second of the day." He says softly and releases my hand to caress my cheek softly.

I can feel myself blushing, and Marcus obviously noticed by the way he gently runs his thumb over my cheekbones. "You're the cutest." I say and bring him in for a kiss.

I have no idea why, but this time when we kiss, the kiss is just the most perfect it's ever been. The best kiss I have ever had in my life. I have no idea whether it's his lips, my lips, the passion in it. I really don't know, but something about it made my knees feel weak and my mind go blank.

Marcus releases his lips from mine and looks into my eyes with so much love in his. His eyes travel down to my lips just as his hand travels down to my lips. He drags his thumb down my lips, bringing my bottom lips down as his finger travels down. "Let's go inside." Marcus whispers in my ear and gently kisses my earlobe, sending goosebumps all the way down my arms. He smiles widely at me and gently caresses my arm in a downward motion. "I love giving you goosebumps." He says, then grabs my hand and leads me into his house, up the stairs and into his room. He lets go of my hand and walk towards his speakers. I walk to his bed, climbing onto it, laying down on my stomach.

Marcus plays the song PYD by Justin Bieber and climbs onto his bed, coming up behind me. His hands roughly rub my butt as he puts his body against my back. 

"I'ma put you down," Marcus sings into my ear and gently kisses my earlobe once again. "All the way down." He takes his body off of my back and caresses my sides, bringing my pants down as his hands travel further down my body.

*          *          *

We are currently laying down in his bed, our clothes spread out all over his bedroom floor. The only thing we're wearing is our underwear as I'm cuddled up against his side as he lays down on his back. It's times like that these that never make me want to leave his side. I wish I could just stay here for the rest of my life, cuddled up against him with our love for each other filling the room. My phone suddenly starts to ring. Marcus grabs it off the end table and hands it to me. It's my mom.

"Hi, mom." I answer the phone.

"Hi, sweetie. I'm making Swiss mushroom burgers tonight with fries. I'm having Omar over, Victor and Jasmine are going to be here too and I was just wondering if you wanted to invite Marcus over to have a little family time." She pauses and then says something to someone else that I'm able to hear. "It's totally fine if you guys have other plans for tonight, but I was just wondering you guys would like to join us." She says softly.

"Let me ask Marcus." I take the phone off of my ear and look at Marcus. "My mom was wondering you want to come over for dinner tonight. Vic and Jasmine are going to be there and so is her boyfriend. She said it's fine if you don't want to, but she was just wondering." 

He smiles widely at me and pulls me closer to him with the arms he has wrapped around me. "Your mom is so sweet, I'd love to." He says softly and kisses my forehead.

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