Chapter Fourteen

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"Good morning, cutie." I hear Marcus say, awakening me. I take a deep breath in and let it out as I stretch out my arms and legs.

I rub my eyes lightly with my fists and look at Marcus. I smile at him and he smiles back at me. "Good morning, boo." I say and sit up. I look over and look at the time.

Marcus turns over to lay down on his back. He slides one of his hands under the back of my shirt, gently massaging my skin. "How did you sleep?" He asks me.

"Like a baby." I say straightening my posture. "I could sleep with you all day and all night." I admit.

Marcus takes his hand out of my shirt. "Let's just stay in bed all day then; and sleep." Marcus says.

I smile at the thought of laying in bed all day with him. "I need to go to school, and work." I tell Marcus. I turn around to look at him, only to see that he's already looking at me.

Marcus sits up and rests his chin on my shoulder. "C'mon cutie. It's just one day. You can't possibly miss out that much in one day." He says soothingly as he runs my shoulders.

I look at Marcus. His eyes are filled with warmth and love. He just stares into my eyes for the longest time, and I do the same. I love his eyes so much. Never, has the color brown looked so astonishing and mesmerizing. I've never seen the color brown this way. It's always just been brown, nothing else; then Marcus came and gave the color a whole new meaning, that I knew absolutely nothing about. I will never see that color the same ever again.

I gently place my hand on his jaw, keeping eye contact. "God, you're so mesmerizing."

Marcus gives me a small, genuine smile. He stares at my lips, focusing on them hard for a long while. I can feel the ends of my lips slowly curve up, forming a small smile.

"Not nearly as mesmerizing as you." Marcus finally says, looking back into my eyes. He stares into my eyes like he's never seen my green eyes before; and I feel the same way looking into his brown eyes.

I glance at his lips and quickly look back into eyes, kind of hoping he didn't catch me looking at his lips. I break our eye contact and turn around so that I'm sitting in front of him, facing him. Marcus leans in, but doesn't do what I was hoping he'd do. I was hoping that's he'd kiss me for a long, long while. Instead he wrapped his arms around my torso, picking me up and placing me in between his legs. My legs topple over his, my knees bent at his hips, my feet resting behind him; his legs stay under mine.

Marcus places his hands on my thighs, right before they reach my lower abdomen. My head drops down, and my eyes follow his hands as they slowly go up and down my thighs gently. I lift my head up, my eyes immediately meeting Marcus'. There go those knee-weakening brown eyes of his, absorbing my full attention.

"Hey," Marcus breaks the silence. "You wanna go to a park or something?"

I keep staring at his eyes, not wanting to removing mine from his. "I haven't even showered." I say.

He smiles at me. "We have all day, there's time for you to get ready." He tells me, caressing my cheek.

I smile back at him. "I guess." I say and untangle myself from him, getting off his bed.

So, I take my time to get ready. I mean, we have all day, so I don't see why it would be a problem.

I take my precious time in the shower, which was probably not the best shower. I totally forgot to bring feminine products, so when it came to washing my hair and body, I smelled like a man. Not to mention, men don't use conditioner, so my hair was not cooperating with me. Once I didn't get out of the shower, I put on the only lotion that was available, which was Marcus' men's lotion, and got dressed into the clothes I packed last night. Which is a pair of light blue Fashion Nova jeans, and a small black crop top with X'O of the back of it. I quickly brush my monstrous hair, and go back into Marcus' room, revealing Marcus taking a nap. I decide to let Marcus sleep, so I just put on some deodorant and perfume and being my makeup routine.

Which, fortunately, didn't take long since I didn't do much. I just filled in my eyebrows very naturally, and I did a semi-dramatic wing. That was it. No foundation, no eyeshadow, no bronzer, nada. I decided that maybe it was time for me to let my skin breathe. Although, I did put on a matte moisturizer. I put my makeup away, and look at Marcus; who is actually awake and staring at me.

I can't help but blush before I even say anything. "How long have you been up?" I finally find the courage to ask him.

He smiles at me and gets off his bed. "Since you started filling in your brows." Marcus answers, and then walks into his bathroom.

Was Marcus really watching my do my makeup the whole time? He said nothing. He did nothing, but watch me do my simple routine. Oh. My. God. Marcus saw me without eyebrows. How embarrassing!

I put my hand on my forehead and gently rest my head down. I take in a deep breath and let it out. I mean, I have eyebrows. But they don't look good unless they're filled in. I can't believe he didn't say anything!

I decide to leave my thoughts alone, and just relax on Marcus' bed and wait for him to get out of the shower.

Marcus comes out of the shower completely ready. He's already dressed, with shoes on and everything. I'm assuming he out on deodorant in the bathroom or something because when he gets out, he asks me if I'm ready to leave. Of course, I am, so we exit his room and he leads me to his garage. When we get to his garage Marcus looks at me and grabs my hand.

"Pick any one you want to take to the park." Marcus tells me.

I stay quiet as I think of which one to pick, and I end up picking his lovely Hellcat. Marcus grabs the keys and we get in the car.

"Babe?" I ask and look into Marcus' gorgeous brown eyes.

Marcus smiles at me. "I love the way you look at me." Marcus says softly as he caresses my cheek. I can't help but smile back at him. "You look at me like I'm the best thing in the world, and it makes me feel so loved and wanted." He says, keeping his hand cupped on my cheek.

"You're just," I pause as I think of the right words to say. "You give me everything I need and more, and I couldn't be more thankful. You deserve to be looked at like you are the best thing on earth." I tell him softly, staring at his lips.

Marcus purposely bites his lip and then licks them. I look into Marcus' eyes, getting lost. Marcus glances at my lips, and back at my eyes. "Give me a kiss, cutie." Marcus whispers, puckering his lips.

I bite my lip, holding back a smile. I slowly lean in and close my eyes, waiting for that feeling of his lips touching mine. It takes seconds for us to fully indulged into the kiss. Marcus keeps his hand cupped on my cheek, parting his lips ever so perfectly with mine. Marcus keeps his lips at the perfect, slowly parting his lips making the kiss so passionate, and loving. I swear, I could kiss this boy all day and night and not get tired of it. He is definitely the best kisser.

Marcus moves his hand down my body slowly, then stopping at my waist. He gently drags his tongue across my bottom lip, asking for an entrance. I grant him the entrance by slowly sliding my tongue into his mouth. Marcus slowly slides his tongue into my mouth as he parts his lips, and then takes his tongue back as he closes his lips. Before Marcus is able to part his lips again, I gently suck on his bottom lip and then gently bite on it, opening my eyes and making eye contact with him as I slowly let go of his lip. Marcus bites his lip and then gently plants one more kiss on my lips before he breaks the kiss.

Marcus stares into my eyes for the longest time without saying anything. I try my hardest to keep eye contact and not to look at his lips. "You're the cutest, ma." Marcus tells me and grabs my hand.

I smile at him. "You're the sweetest." I say and intertwine our fingers.

Marcus turns on his car and we finally leave to the park.

A/N: I AM SO SORRY!! I had the worst writer's block ever. I have updated in months, and when I do, I give you guys a shitty chapter. I'm sorry it's so short, but I still hope you enjoyed it. So sorry!

(Lust for Life above)

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