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Chapter 7: Secrets

I made my way to the library and sat at a random table. I pulled out my books and started doing my homework that was due the next hour. A chair from across me was pulled out as a body flopped down. I sighed and put my pencil down.

"Yes?" I said as I looked up. Blue eyes stared at me. The eyes were cold but not enough to make me shiver. Her blonde hair laid straight on her shoulders. I tilted my head and waited for her to continue.

"We need to talk." Her voice sounding sharp.

"Alright, Elizabeth. You start first." I said as I sat back in my chair with a slight smile.

"You heard something." She stated.

"I hear a lot of things." I stated as I laughed a bit. She rolled her eyes as a smile crept onto her face.

"My screams sound likes sirens." She stated as she continued with her story.

"I am aware of that. You are a siren, right?" I asked. She nodded as she started twiddling her thumbs. "Good, I am glad we established that."

"Don't tell anyone." She said quietly. I nodded but stopped.

"Victoria, why was she after you?" I asked. Lizzie glanced up at me and sighed.

"She isn't after me. She is actually after my sister." She stated. My eyebrows creased as I became more confused. Lizzie caught on as she started to explain it more. "Edward killed Victoria's mate, so she wants to kill Bella."

"So, basically this is all on Edward and Bella that Victoria hurt you." I summed it up for myself.

"Bella is in the state of depression because Edward left." Lizzie stated. "So, be nice."

"Of course, I will." I paused. "Not be nice."

"Avery, please." She pleaded. I rolled my eyes and waved her off. She smiled and walked out of the library with a few books. I sighed and rushed to finish my homework since I only had five more minutes left.

I pushed the door open to exit the building. The bell rang five minutes ago signalling that school was over. I jogged to my truck not wanting to take the chances of getting hit. I pulled the door open and slid inside. The passenger door opened as I watched Peyton slid inside.

"Hey." I said not expecting her to get inside my vehicle.

"Hi, I need a ride." She stated before she buckled herself in. I rolled my eyes and glanced over at the the group of boys.

"I am sure they would love to give you a ride." I said as I pointed to the group.

"No." She said darkly as she glared at me. I laughed at her as she started to laugh beside me. I put the keys in the ignition. I got the truck out of the parking lot before we started talking.

"So, w-"

"Does your father know that you are friend's with me?" She asked as her accent laced around her words.

"No, he would ban me from ever having friends again." I stated. She sighed and ran a hand through her hand.

"Just so you know, there is another wolf pack." She said as I nodded.

"Oh, trust me. I know but I don't mind. They can help get rid of Victoria." I stated. She rolled her eyes and pointed towards the side of the road.

"You can drop me off here." She said. I pulled over as she jumped out.

"Bye, Avery." She said as she ran out into the woods.

"Bye, Peyton." I called after her before pulling back onto the road.

My journey was boring. I was still trying to make it home. Rain pelted against my windshield. I turned on the radio and flipped through stations. Something black was on the road. I slowed down a bit so I wouldn't hit whatever it was. The black shadow was a figure of a person. A woman, possibly. I tilted my head as it tilted it's head with me. I blinked and looked around. It was gone. It was like it was never there in the first place. I looked around trying to find a trail. I looked over in the seat to find nothing. I shivered slightly and started driving away again. I went a little over the speed limit because I was a little freaked out. That was creepy. See a black figure then its gone. Creepy. I pulled into the driveway and noticed that my dad was gone.

"No." I whined. I rushed to the house and fumbled with the keys.

"What is wrong, Avery?" A feminine voice from behind me asked. I turned around and punched whoever it was. My fist only came in contact with air. My heart was beating wildly. I jammed the keys into the door and unlocked the house. I threw the door open and shut it while locking it. I placed my back on the door. I ran to the kitchen and grabbed the biggest knife. I twirled it in my right hand and shot for the stairs. I sprinted to my room and closed the door. I grabbed the weapons from under my bed and placed them in the right spots. A noise was heard from down the stairs. I looked out the window and realized that I am in for a long night by myself. Footsteps were heard coming up the stairs. I pushed my bed up against the door. I placed a hand over my mouth as the floor creaked. A loud bang was heard as I flinched at the sound.

"Please, darling. I know you are in there." A voice said from the other side of the door. The voice sounded like a bunch of dark voices. I tightened the grip on the hilt of the knife and waited. The door creaked open slowly as the bed was being pushed back.

"Not so badass now, are ya?" The voice taunted. The same voice that taunted me in my sleep. I closed my eyes and breathed. My eyes opened as I took in my surroundings. I was facing my window as my bed was back in its normal place. A note dangled from the window. I reached for the yellow paper as my heart raced. The words caused my heart rate to pick up.

Why didn't you tell your father about the vision? -A

Oooooooh, cliffhanger. Everyone loves cliffhangers, right? Ahaha. Hoped you enjoyed you beautiful day like I did.

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