Chapter One.

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Chapter One:-

I opened my eyes, groaning. I stood up and stared at my bed, which was now stained with blood. As I saw the blood on the sheets, I hurried to take my towel and rushed to the bathroom to take a shower.

After a very long, warm shower, I dried myself and wore my outfit, a black crop and black jeans and blow-dried my hair, leaving it un-tied. I chose my white converse, to complete my outfit. I stood in front of the mirror to check my outfit. Hmm, perfect. I thought.

After grabbing my phone, I walked downstairs and entered the kitchen, looking for something to eat.

"Good Morning, sweetie." I heard my mom say.

"Morning." I replied back. I didn't really want to talk to anyone at the moment.

"How are you today?" She asked me.

"Oh, I'm great." I replied sarcastically, and continued looking for food.


"Where's Adam?" I asked.

"He's getting ready." My mom replied, without looking at me.

"I'm here!" Adam said, walking to the kitchen and hugging me.

"Good morning." I smiled at him.

Adam ruffled his brown hair and stared at me for a second before I diverted my attention to somewhere else.

"It's really amazing how you and I are so different from each other! Especially with your blonde hair." He laughed, catching my attention. I looked at the color of my hair and laughed as well.


"Oh, and good morning too!" Adam greeted back.

•        •        •        •        •

"Payton! I missed you!" My best friend, Brooke, ran towards me, hugging me.

"I missed you too!" I said, hugging her back.

Brooke left to her Chemistry class and I started walking to my first class, History. Boring.

I was about to open the door, but, I bumped into someone and my books scattered on the floor.

"I'm so sorry!" I apologized to the person in front of me.

He got up and looked at me, "it's alright." He smiled.

I stared into his ocean blue eyes, with my eyes wide open and my face as red as a tomato.

"Are you okay?" He asked, looking worried.

"Yes, yes I'm fine." I replied, picking my books up.

"Excuse me, is that yours?" He asked, smirking.

Oh my God.

"Ye-yes, I mean, no! No, it's not!" I stuttered.

I pulled it away from him and started walking away.

"Goodbye, Tampon Girl!" He yelled.


I entered the class and Mr. Calvin glared at me.

"You're late, Ms. Ray."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Calvin." I apologized, looking down.

"I'll let you go for now. Sit down, please." He pointed at an empty seat and continued explaining his boring lesson.

•        •        •        •        •

I dropped my backpack on the floor and jogged upstairs, heading to the bathroom to take a shower.

I braided my hair, wore a black crop top, black leggings and sat on my bed. I took out my laptop and logged in to my Facebook.

I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in!" I yelled.

The door opened and my brother, Adam, walked in.

"How was school?" He asked, hugging me.

"It was great." I replied, hugging him back.

"We're ordering pizza for lunch. Do you want to join?" He asked.

"Yes!" I exclaimed, hugging him again.

He laughed and placed his hand on my hair, messing it up.

"Bish." I muttered.

"I know you're one!" He yelled, closing the door and leaving me alone in the room.

I smiled and sat back on my bed. Oh, I love my brother.

I checked my Facebook, Instagram, Wattpad and then logged in to Skype. First, I checked Brooke's profile, but she was offline. And then Travis, my boy best friend, but he was offline too. Ugh, great.

I continuously adventured around Skype, looking for some users. When one user caught my eye, I clicked on the profile and went to curiously type in "hi" while hesitating. I was stuck in between the thought of thinking that this might be a bad idea, since I don't even know the person. Let alone being careless.

Then the stranger responded back.

"Hello there."

• • • • •

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