Chapter Twenty Two.

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Chapter Twenty Two:-

Brooke and I put up all the decorations and ordered the pizza. I placed the drinks on the table while she was preparing the cookie's ingredients in the kitchen. We baked a cake yesterday, when we came back from school. A chocolate cake. And now we were going to bake cookies.

When I was done with the drinks, I entered the kitchen and saw that everything was ready.

"Alright, you're gonna read the recipe out loud for me, and I'll do everything." Brooke said. I nodded my head.

We decided that she would bake the cookies, because I was scared, if I mess anything up, Brooke would kill me.

I read the recipe for her and she started doing everything, and when we were done, she placed them in the oven.

"It's gonna be done in about 20 minutes." Brooke said. "You can text the others and see where they are."

It was already 7:30 and no one showed up.

I texted Danny and Alex, and they both said the same thing.

I'm on my way! :)

Travis said he was going to come at 8 because he was with his parents, so I didn't have to text him.

I texted Mason, but he didn't answer me, so I called him, but he still didn't answer.

"Hey!" I called Brooke. "Mason isn't answering my texts or my calls, do you think he's okay?"

"Yeah, maybe he's busy or something."


I sat down on the couch and waited for the doorbell to ring.

After 10 minutes, the doorbell rang and the door was opened.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Danny and Alex yelled.

"Aww, thankyou guys so much." I hugged them both.

I pointed at the table next to the door, they placed their gifts on the table and sat down on the couch, not leaving a space for me to sit.

Well, wow.

I got a chair from the kitchen and sat down next to them.

"Danny, do you know anything about Mason?" I asked.

"I don't know." He replied. "He was supposed to be with us, but I called him and he didn't answer."

"Why don't you go to his place and see if he's there?" Brooke looked at me.

"I don't know. I'll try calling again." I said. "If he doesn't answer, I'll go to his place."


I unlocked my phone and dialed his number, waiting for a few minutes, but he still didn't answer.

"Okay, I'm going to his place." I stood up.

"I'm coming with you." Alex said.

I opened the door and walked out, waiting for Alex. He came out behind me and closed the door.

"Are you here with a car? Or your bike?" I asked.

"Car." He smiled at me.

"Oh, finally!" He laughed.

He started the car and drove to Mason's house. It took us ten minutes to reach his house. He parked the car and I stared at Mason's house. All the lights were on, and his car was there.

"I'll be right back." I walked out of the car.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Alex asked.

"No, it's okay." I replied, walking away.

I knocked on the door, nobody answered, but the door was slightly open. I knocked again, but it was still the same. Silence. I slowly opened the door, walking in. Nobody was there in the living room.

"Mason?" I called out.


I walked to the kitchen, it was empty. I walked up the stairs, I looked for his room. He wasn't in his parents' room and not in the bathroom. When I found his room, the door was slightly open. I was going to walk in, but I heard someone's voice.

"You're so beautiful." It was Mason's voice.

Someone else giggled, it was a girl, but I couldn't guess who it was.

I didn't want to believe it, maybe I'm just.. imagining stuff? I don't know.

I pushed open the door, and Mason jumped out of the bed, half naked, with the girl I hated the most, who was covering herself with a blanket.


"Payton!? You took a long time so I just came in, where are you?" I heard Alex's voice. "Payton, are you crying? What's wrong?"

He came next to me and saw them. Mason and Britney, together.

I ran out of the house crying. I sat in Alex's car. I couldn't believe Mason would do this, after he apologised and I forgave him. He did the same mistake again.

He was the one who said he liked me, yet he still cheated on me. If he didn't really like me, why didn't he just break up with me? Why did he have to cheat? Why did he have to ruin my birthday? Why did I trust him? Why?

All these questions were in my head, and I needed answers, why?

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