Chapter Fifteen.

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Chapter Fifteen:-

Today, Mason and I were supposed to go out on a date. But it was cancelled because he said he had to do something with his parents, so I just spent my day chatting with Axel. We talked all day, he was really funny, but then he said he had to sleep. I spent the whole day in my room because I didn't want to face my father right now, I didn't want to argue with him or with my mother. And if you're wondering about food, I spent the whole day eating two big bags of chips.

When I woke up the next day, I was a mess. I slept with a bag of chips in my hand, my phone in the other hand, and my laptop was on my lap. My mom would kill me if she found out. I stood up, cleaned up my room, and looked at the time, 6:30 am.

I have 30 minutes to get ready. I took a quick shower, dried my hair and got my clothes. A black hoodie and military leggings. Not the best but I guess it could work. I wore my adidas, took my phone, backpack and ran downstairs. When I entered the kitchen, I saw Adam typing something on his laptop with a cup of coffee next to his laptop.

"Good morning." I greeted.

"Good morning." He replied without even looking at me.

"Yo, is that yours?" I pointed at the cup of coffee.

"Yeah, why?" He asked, staring at me.

"Thanks!" I took it and ran away.

"PAYTON!" I heard him yelling, but it was too late, I already left.

He's gonna kill me later. I thought.

Brooke was already out, waiting for me.

"Why are you late?" She asked.

"Good morning to you too, best friend." I replied sarcastically. "And, to answer your question, I was late because I was trying to steal a cup of coffee."

"Couldn't make one?"

"Lazy." I smiled.

"Of course." She started the car and drove to school.

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When we reached school, we met up with Travis and Danny next to my locker. I had English, with Danny and Brooke, so we said goodbye to Travis and started walking to our class. When we reached, Mrs. Monroe wasn't there. I sat down, Brooke sat next to me on the left side while Danny sat on the right side.

"Hey, since it's Friday. Let's hangout." Danny said.

"Sure!" Brooke exclaimed.

They both looked at me, waiting for me to give them an answer.

"Okay, sure!" I smiled at them.

We smiled at each other creepily for 5 minutes until Mrs. Monroe showed up. She greeted us and started explaining her lesson. I copied down the notes silently, and when I looked up, I saw a tiny paper ball on my table. I looked at Danny and saw him smiling at me. I opened the paper and giggled when I read it.

This lesson is boring. Entertain me :(

I took my pen and wrote:-

Focus, you idiot. We still have 40 minutes left.

I threw the paper at him and turned back to Mrs. Monroe. A few seconds later, he threw the paper back.

"What was that, Mr. Roberts?" I looked up at Mrs. Monroe. Shit.

"Uhh.. nothing?" He stuttered.

I knew we were gonna get caught.

"Show me the paper, Ms. Ray." Mrs. Monroe walked to my desk. I gave her the paper and looked at my books.

She opened the paper and read it. When she was done, her face was so red, she almost looked like a tomato.

"You two, detention after school!" She yelled.

My eyes went wide. Oh God, this is my first detention. I turned to Danny and glared at him. He muttered a 'sorry' I looked at Brooke and she was trying not to laugh.


When English was over, I followed Danny and Brooke outside, and when Danny turned to me, I kept on punching his chest.

"Because of you, I got a detention." I was going to punch him again, but he held my wrists.

"First of all, you punch like a kid." He smiled. "Second, it's just a detention."

"I never got one!" I yelled.

"Are you kidding me?" He asked, shocked because I never got a detention.

"Yes, be shocked." I rolled my eyes. "I never got one, so what?"

"You gotta live your life a little bit." He said.

I groaned. I hugged them and walked to my locker.

My mom and Adam are going to kill me.

•     •     •     •     •     •

My last period was Maths, with Danny, Mason and Brooke. We had 5 minutes left, and then I have to go to the detention. I copied down my notes, the bell rang when I was done.

"Oh, and I forgot to mention," Mr. Smith said. "You have a test on Tuesday."

I took my books and stood up.

"Hey, do you wanna hangout?" Mason asked.

"I can't, I'm sorry. I got a detention." I replied.

"Time for detention, let's go!" Danny said.

Why was he even so excited?

When we reached, one of the teachers I hated the most, Mrs. Arnold, was there. I walked inside and sat down next to Danny.

"No talking, no cellphones, no eating. Just stare at the wall." Mrs. Arnold said.

Great, I'm stuck here now.

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