Chapter Twenty.

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Chapter Twenty:-

AxelCooper18: I think it's really funny.

Paytonray: no, it isn't!

Axel and I were asking each other questions. He asked me about the most embarrassing thing I've ever done.

AxelCooper18: so, burping in your teacher's face isn't funny?

Paytonray: no, it's disgusting! Plus, I was just 10!

I was talking to my best friend during class, and I got two warnings, but then my teacher gave me a detention, and she told me she needed to speak to me alone. When everyone left, I just burped in her face and ran away. I was a kid, okay?

AxelCooper18: HAHAHAHAH, yeah, okay. It is funny. For me.

Paytonray: fine!

Paytonray: anyways, I gotta go now!

AxelCooper18: aww :( alright, text me when you're free.

Paytonray: sure, dad.

AxelCooper18: ew, bye.

I smiled at my laptop screen. We've been talking for two hours. He called me, and we talked for like, five minutes, and then we just continued chatting. I really want to meet him. Whenever I talked about wanting to meet him, he would change the subject, and I have no idea why.

He also keeps on warning me about Mason, which is annoying, but I never stopped him, because I have a feeling that he's right.

"Mason's an asshole."

"He doesn't deserve someone like you."

"He treats you like shit. You deserve someone who treats you like a princess, because you are a princess."

He's also really sweet, I feel like I'm kind of.. attracted to him? I don't know. I kind of like him, maybe. I'm just trying to push those feelings away. Because it's not right. Liking someone while in a relationship, it's so wrong.

But sometimes I wonder, I don't even talk a lot about Mason, so how does Axel know about the way he treats me? It's just so weird..

•     •     •     •     •

"Sooooo!" Brooke stared at me with excitement. "Your birthday is in two days! What are your plans?"

"I'm just gonna invite my friends over." I replied. "You know, Danny, Travis, Mason, Alex, and you."

"Who's Alex?" She asked.

"Oh, pool guy." I smiled at her.

"Oh, he finally decided to tell you his name." She said.

"Yeah." I giggled.

"Alright, so.." she started. "Music, pizza, drinks and friends. That's cool." She clapped her hands.

"Yeah, nothing big. So, don't invite the whole school over."

"God damn it.."

I hit her shoulder jokingly and she smiled at me.

"Should we send the invitations now?" I asked.

"Of course!" She exclaimed.

I took out my phone and started typing.

"You're invited to my 'small' birthday party. The party starts at 7 pm, I hope you show up."

"You sound desperate." Brooke looked at me.

"I have no idea what to write, it doesn't matter anyway." I rolled my eyes.

"You know, you role your eyes a lot, it might get stuck at the back of your head."

I laughed at what she said. She's actually right, I do roll my eyes a lot.

"Anyways, have you sent the message to everyone?" She asked.

"Yeah, I did." I replied.

"Alright, lets go buy the decorations, and we have to get the ingredients for the cake!"

"Wait." I pulled her hand, "what cake?"

"We're baking a cake, you idiot." She pulled my hand again.

"But my birthday is in two days."

"Oh.. right." She smiled, showing her teeth. "We're still gonna get the stuff, lets go!"

• • • • •

After getting the decorations, candles, and the ingredients for the cake, we finally left the store. I sat down on the ground, with the bags in my hand.

"Oh god, I'm exhausted!" I screamed.

"Shut up, people are staring at you!" Brooke giggled.

"I don't caaare!" I pouted.

I was so tired, I couldn't even feel my legs. After five minutes, when I stood up, I bumped into someone.

"Oh my god I'm so sor... Danny!?" My eyes went wide.

"Payton, hey!" He greeted.

I threw the bags on the ground and hugged him.

"I missed you sooo much!" I smiled.

"I missed you too, but that's weird, you saw me like, a few days ago."

"Yeah, I know, I still miss you." I said.

"Okay.." he gave me a weird look. "So, what are you girls doing here?" He asked.

"We were buying stuff for Pay's birthday!" Brooke exclaimed. "Are you excited? Are you!? I'm so excited!" She started jumping up and down.

"Chill, Brooke. The birthday girl isn't even that excited." He chuckled.

"I know right?" I laughed.

"We gotta go now, see you later!" Brooke waved at Danny and pulled me away.

"Bye!" I yelled.

He waved, laughing at Brooke.

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