Chapter Eighteen.

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Chapter Eighteen:-

"Your place is amazing!" I swam to Danny and stood next to him.

"Thankyou, you can come over whenever you want to." He winked at me.

"Oh, shut up." I hit the back of his head and continued swimming.

I was going to swim back to Danny and Brooke, but I saw them alone, talking, so I left them alone and continued swimming. Brooke was being so weird, like, why would she get so close to Danny if she has a boyfriend? I made sure to ask her later about it and continued swimming.

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"Thankyou for letting us come over!" Brooke thanked Danny.

"You're welcome," he smiled at her. "Do you want something to drink?"

"I'll get a Coke!" I replied.

"Okay, and Brooke?"

"Same thing." She smiled at him.

He smiled back at her and walked to the kitchen.

"Hey, whats up with you and Danny?" I whispered.

"What? Nothing." She replied, without looking at me.

"Brooklyn, don't lie to me!"

"Austin and I broke up." She said, playing with her hair and staring at me.

"What? Why!? When!?"

"A few days ago. I found out he was cheating on me."

"Why didn't you tell me?" I pulled her in a hug, and she hugged me back.

"I didn't want to talk about it."

"Here's your Coke." We pulled away and smiled at Danny.

"Thankyou, why were you late, though?" Brooke asked him.

"I thought you two needed sometime alone." He smiled at us. "So, what do you wanna watch?"

Brooke and I stared at each other for exactly five minutes, and then turned back to Danny.

"We don't know, what do you have?" I asked him.

"The Edge of Seventeen?"


"Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2?"


"Going in Style?"

"Yes!" Brooke and I screamed.

"Okay, okay, chill." He chuckled.

He took the CD and walked to his TV. He played the movie and sat on the couch next to me and Brooke.

• • • • •

I woke up feeling annoyed. Yesterday, when Brooke and I came back to my place, Mason was sitting there, waiting for me. He tried apologizing a lot but I told him that I needed sometime. He was going to stay, but Adam kind of kicked him out. And of course, he had to ask me what happened, and I told him everything about it.

When Brooke slept, I logged in to my Skype and chatted with Axel for about an hour.

I waited for an hour, when Brooke woke up, we got ready and left the house. I was supposed to meet pool guy because he wanted to hangout. We walked to a park next to Brooke's house and we waited for him. While we were waiting, I saw Travis.

"Hey, Travis!" I called out.

He looked at me and smiled.

He walked to us and hugged me and then Brooke.

"Hey, Payton.." Travis looked at me, nervously. "Can I talk to you for a second?"

I looked at Brooke and she nodded at me.


I got up and we started walking together. We were silent for five minutes, but I didn't want to break the silence, I waited for him to start talking.

"So.." he started.

"So.." I looked at him.

He stopped and turned to me. "I feel like, you're kind of.. changing." He stuttered.

"What do you mean?" I raised my eyebrow.

"You know, we're supposed to be best friends." He said. "Me, you and Brooke. We don't even talk anymore, we don't hangout like we used to do before. You started hanging out with Mason and Danny a lot, you forgot about me."

"Travis.." I felt so bad, I didn't know what to say. "I.. I didn't mean to make you feel that way, I'm really sorry, Travis. I would never forget about you, you'll always be my best friend."

"It's okay, Pay." He smiled at me.

"I love you!" I jumped and hugged him.

I can't believe I made him feel that way, I felt really bad, I can't believe I'm a bad best friend.

"I love you too." He replied, hugging me back.

He pulled back, I smiled at him and we started walking back to Brooke. She winked at me and I just hit the back of her head. Travis left a few minutes later, and we sat down waiting for pool guy.

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