Chapter Thirty Two.

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Chapter Thirty Two:-

Today is prom.

It's going to be a very long day. I thought.

I jumped out of bed and ran to Brooke's side. I jumped on her and she screamed.

"Good morning!" I yelled.

"Nobody wakes someone up like this!" She yelled, glaring at me.

"I do." I replied. "Now get up, prom's today."

She got up and walked in to my bathroom. I took my pajama and left the room. I went to my parents' bathroom to take a shower.

I know I call it parents' bathroom, and I only live with my mom and brother. But I'm used to calling it that, and Adam is like my best friend, my brother, my dad, everything. So, yeah.

I took a shower in 30 mins and turned off the tap. I wrapped a towel around my body and hair.

I wore my pajama and walked out, with the towel still wrapped around my hair. I entered my room and Brooke was already there, sitting on a chair, combing her hair.

"How are you gonna do your hair?" I asked.

"Curly." She replied. "Yours is going to be wavy."

"Why?" She knows that I don't like my hair when it's wavy.

"Because, it really looks good on you, and it's gonna match your dress and makeup."

"What do you mean by makeup?"

"Girl, you're going to a prom!" She looked at me. "You need to put makeup on."

I fake laughed. "Ha ha ha ha, that's so funny."

"Shut up, Pay!"

She started doing her hair at 2 pm, and she was done with her hair at 3:30 pm. Didn't she get tired?

"Come on, sit down." She stood up from her chair and asked me to sit.

"I can do my hair on my own, you already feel exhausted." I said.

"No, sit down!" I sat down and she started doing my hair.

We were done with my hair in an hour.

"Alright, we can eat something, hangout for sometime, and then we can get ready and do our makeup." She said.


We walked downstairs and Adam was already standing in the kitchen, preparing coffee. Because that's what Adam always does. It's either coffee or ice cream.

"Good afternoon." I greeted.

"Good afternoon, sis." He smiled, hugging me.

"Hey Adam!" Brooke exclaimed.

"Sup, Brooke!"

"Love birds." I whispered.

"Shut up!" They both said at the same time.

I looked at them and winked. Brooke groaned while Adam just glared at me.

I picked up the cookie jar and walked to the refrigerator, to get the milk. I got two cups and placed everything on the table. Brooke and I sat down and we started eating, while talking about random stuff.

"So, how is Axel?" Brooke asked.

"I don't know." I replied.

"You don't talk?"

"We do, but, we didn't talk today."

"What are you waiting for!?" She yelled. "Text him!"

"Okay, okay."

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