Chapter Eight.

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Chapter Eight:-

"When do we have to give our essays!?" Danny raised his hand, asking Mrs. Monroe.

"Wednesday." Mrs. Monroe replied.

"WHAT!?" My eyes widened. "One day only!?"

"Don't raise your voice, Payton." She glared at me. "And yes, one day."

I can't believe it. One day, only!? This is not fair.

I was quiet for the rest of the period, when the bell rang, I took my bag and stormed out of the class.

"Hey, Payton!" I knew it was Danny, I ignored him and walked to my locker.

"Why are you pissed?" He asked.

"I'm not, I'm just annoyed." I replied, smiling at him.

"Alright then, why are you annoyed?"

"Just shut up for a second, please!" I glared at him.

He stopped talking and stared at me, saying nothing. I put my books back in the locker and took out my Maths books for the next class.

"Hello, princess." I didn't have to turn around to know who it is.

"Hey Mason." I turned around, hugging him.

"I miss you." He whispered.

"I miss you too." I smiled and pecked his cheek.

"Get a room, you two." Danny yelled.

I laughed at him and went back to my locker closing it.

"Well, well, look who's here." I turned around to see who was talking.

Oh no, why did I turn around!?

"Hello, Britney." Britney is the head cheerleader.

I can't believe she was the head cheerleader. Out of all the girls in the school, they chose her?

"May I speak to you, Payton?" She asked, faking a smile.

"Alone." She added.

I looked at Danny, he was shaking his head, telling me not to go. But i ignored him and walked away with Britney.

"What's up?" I asked.

"I heard you were dating him." She pointed behind me.

I looked behind and saw Mason, standing near my locker and talking to Danny.

"Yeah, I am." I smiled.

"Break up with him."

"And why would I listen to you?" I folded my arms.

"Because, I like him." That bish.. "And because I'm the head cheerleader, I get whatever I want!"

"Yeah?" I glared at her. "You're the head cheerleader, not my mother." I was about to walk away but she pulled me back.

"Let go!" I pushed her.

"You have twenty four hours to break up with him."

I was going to reply but Mason walked and stood next to me.

"Hello, girls. Is something wrong?" He asked.

"Oh, nothing's wrong Mason. I was just telling Payton that I love her outfit." Britney faked a smile.

She started walking and mouthed 'Do it.' to me, she winked at Mason and walked away.

I was about to slap her, but Mason pulled me back and hugged me.

"Calm down." He whispered in my ear.

• • • • •

"We're going out on Saturday!" Brooke exclaimed.

"Where?" I asked.

"A double date!" She started clapping.

"You're driving!" I yelled.


"Okay so, why a double date?" I asked.

"Because it's fun!" She replied. "And we're going to the mall on Thursday! We need to buy new outfits!"

"We have a lot of dresses!"

"I don't care! Yours are ugly."

"Thankyou." I replied sarcastically. "By the way, can Danny come to your house?"

"But Jake is coming over, we have to write the essay!"

"Brooke, we're in the same class. I have to write mine too! Please?"

"Fine." She said. "Oh, oh, what happened with Britney today!?"

"Please don't remind me." I groaned.

"Come on, tell me!"

I told her the whole story and her eyes widened.

"Oh, I am going to kill that bitch tomorrow."

"It's okay, let her do whatever she wants."

I pulled my phone out of my back pocket. I had to text Danny and tell him that we're going to meet at Brooke's house.

Hey Danny! How are you? Today we're gonna meet at Brooke's house, okay? Be there at 6 pm. -P

I waited and his reply came in a few seconds.

Sure. -D

I closed my phone and kept it back in my pocket. This is gonna be a very long day.

• • • • •

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