Chapter Twelve.

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Chapter Twelve:-

I woke up, groaning. My phone was ringing and it was really loud. I looked at the time. Seriously!? Who calls at 4 am!?

"Turn it off!" Brooke groaned.

I checked the caller ID, it was Mason. I ignored the call, switched off my phone and went back to sleep.

A few minutes later, Brooke's phone rang too. It was Mason, again. I switched it off before she could wake up and went back to sleep again.

I tried sleeping, but I couldn't. Thankyou for waking me up.

I got out of the bed and walked downstairs, heading to the kitchen. I drank a cup of water and placed the cup in the sink. I was about to go back to bed again, but I heard someone knocking on the door.

It's almost 5 am, what the freaking hell!?

"Who is it?" I asked, trying to be as quiet as possible.

The door knocked again.

"Who is it!?" I asked one more time.

I was getting scared. It could be a murderer! Or maybe a ghost!

I was about to go back up, but the door knocked for the third time. I walked to the door, unlocking it and opening it slowly.

I tried looking outside and saw Mason.

"Payton." He looked at me.

"Mason!?" I whisper-yelled. "What the freak are you freaking doing here 5 freaking am!?"

"I need to talk to you." He said.

"And I don't want to." I was about to close the door, but he pushed it open.

"Shut up, Brooke is sleeping!" I glared at him.

"Sorry." He apologised. "Why did you switch off your phone?"

"Because I want to." I replied, not looking at him.

"Look at me." He said.


"Please, Payton."


"I said please."

"Just tell me what you wanna say, because I wanna go back to sleep." I groaned.

"I'm sorry for not coming yesterday. I really didn't mean it. I didn't wanna ditch you. I just got really busy." He said. "I'm sorry."

"I don't care about what happened anymore." I said.

"Does that mean you forgive me?" He asked, looking at me with hope.

I smiled, and then looked up at him. I leaned closer to him, "no." I whispered.

He looked shocked, he probably didn't expect that.

"Bye now, I'm sleeping." I closed the door, locking it as fast as I could and walked upstairs.

I lied down on the bed, staring at the ceiling for about 10 minutes, before falling asleep.

• • • • •

"Wake up already!" Brooke yelled.

I groaned, placing a pillow on my ears.

"If you don't wake up in 5 seconds, I'm gonna throw a bucket of ice cold water on you." Brooke threatened, but I ignored. I knew she wouldn't do something like that.

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