Chapter Thirty Three.

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Chapter Thirty Three:-

I was waiting for Alex to come back, he said he would get us drinks. I sat down with Brooke and Danny, I didn't want to ruin the couple's night. They asked me to stay with them, I declined. But they forced me to.

"I'm so excited!" Brooke exclaimed. "This is going to be a fun night."

"I know." Danny kissed her cheek and she blushed.

"Ew." I scrunched my nose, looking at them, with disgusting written all over my face.

"Shut up!" They both yelled at the same time.

I was about to say something, but Alex showed up.

"You're here, finally!" I stood up, smiling at him. "You just saved my life."

He laughed, "wanna dance?"


We walked to the dance floor together and started dancing.

A few minutes later, I saw someone I never wanted to see. Mason. And his bitchy girlfriend, Britney.

I just acted like I haven't seen them. They came closer to us and continued dancing like they haven't done anything. I ignored them and just danced with Alex.

"Is something bothering you?" Alex asked.

"Mason and Britney are behind us." I whispered.

He looked behind me, and I knew he saw them because his face turned red, he looked so angry. I placed my hand on his shoulders.

"Calm down." I whispered. "Just ignore them, and continue dancing."

He closed his eyes for a few minutes, and then he opened them, looking at me and smiling. I smiled back and we continued dancing.

I was going to to tell Mason that I felt tired, but I heard something getting ripped. I looked down.

Oh, no.

My fucking dress.

I looked at Britney, and she was smirking at me, and nodded at me, and mouthed the word oops. She turned around and continued dancing.

"I'll be right back." I said and walked away.

"Is something wrong?" Alex asked.

"No, I just.. need to use the restroom." I left ran away and left the basketball court. I ran to the girl's restroom and closed the door. What am I going to do now?

I looked at my dress, she ripped a huge part, even though the dress was kind of ripped, but she ripped a bigger part, it showed my whole leg and I'm glad nobody saw that scene out there.

And I started crying.

I just wanted to have fun and forget about everything, and then, that bitch had to come out and ruin everything.

"Payton? Are you there?" I heard my best friend yelling.

She walked into the restroom and looked at me.

"God, you ruined your makeup." She walked closer.

And then she noticed.

"Ohmygod, what happened to your dress!?" She asked, feeling shocked.

"Britney happened." I replied.

"Oh, that bitch! I'm going to fucking murder her!" She yelled. "Look, It's okay, i think we can fix it."

"How?" I asked.

"Close your eyes."

I did as she told me to. I closed my eyes, and I heard some noise, but I had no idea what she was doing. My dress was getting pulled down and I couldn't see anything.

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