Ch. 6 The Ice Man Cometh Part 1

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Hey everyone, before we begin I'd just like to let you know ahead of time Happy Star Wars Day! In honor of this holiday, I will be throwing in as many Star Wars lines and references as possible into the next part of our story. Try to find as many as you can, and enjoy!

"This is awesome, man!"

"I know, you said that seven times already. In just the past 2 minutes. How do you even do it?"

"You're like a robot superhero!"

"Great, kid. Don't get cocky." I muttered.

It was only a day since Elec Man's attack. And already I had been bombarded with more questions from my best friend than anyone should ever have to handle alone.

"Listen, can we not talk about this now, since we're, like, at school and everything?"

"I'm just saying, this is amazing. I mean, you-YOU- took down that big muscles robot, uh..."

"Guts Man. And are you judging me by my size?"

"Uh, no comment. I just think it's really cool how all of this happened."

"I get it. Can I please concentrate on remembering what I need for the test?"

"Nope, not a chance."


I pedaled my bike down the road from school. I was finally on my way home, and Michael hadn't gotten to me.

"Hey, Rock!"

Updating that last statement...

"Hey man!"

"PLEASE stop asking me about stuff."

"Hey, I just wanted to know if I could try to ask you something."

I looked at him, confused. "You can't TRY to ask me something. Just ask me or don't ask."

"Yeah, well...Do you you think Roll..."

"Do I think Roll what?" I asked. Then I put the pieces together in my head.

"No. You're kidding."

"Don't. It's none of your business."

"None of my business? Dude, you're my best friend, and she's basically my sister. How is it NOT my business?"

"Well, what do you think?"

"I think you're gonna have to aim somewhere else."

"What? Come on."

"Sorry man, but the chances of you making it with her are like 99-1."

"Well I'm gonna do it. Never tell me the odds."

As we biked on in silence for a little while, I noticed we were biking past several stopped cars for a while.

"What's going on?" I wondered aloud.

"Eh, who knows. Probably some roadblock up ahead's thrown everybody off."

As we continued biking, things came more in view, and we could see some people getting out of their cars and looking ahead  in confusion. Looking further, I saw several people standing on the side of the road, and we stopped by them.

"Hey, what's going on?" Michael asked.

They just kind of pointed out at the street. Their cars were scattered across, pointing in all directions. I then noticed that the street they sat on was coated with a thick layer of ice. It was the late April, in the 70s every day.

I frowned. "That's no roadblock."

Michael came up behind me. "I've got a bad feeling about this."

I looked at a nearby building just as a figure jumped off of the roof. A projectile shot towards the ground, and a pillar of ice erupted from it. People rushed back as the figure landed swiftly on top. They looked up and I got a better view. They were dressed in a blue Arctic coat, with white fluff around the face. They wore white gloves and boots.

They stood and began to speak.

"Hey everyone. Where's that blue guy I've heard so much about?"

I nodded at Michael, and faded back. Once I felt I was out of sight. I ran towards Light Technologies. I swung around the back to find a special dumpster. I entered a code I had been told to memorize, and the front panel swung open, with the armor pieces set out on it. I picked up the helmet.

"All right. Somebody has to save our skins."

As I walked out, I got a call over my headset.


"Hey, bud."

I sighed. "Michael, why are you calling?"

"Are you sure you can handle this guy? He could probably freeze you to the spot."

"I find your lack of faith disturbing."

"Okay, just saying. But...oh man, you better get down here now!"

I shut off the call and rushed out. I looked ahead. The guy was looking down, looking ready to ice another part of the road. If he did, it could cause serious problems. I pulled up my targeting and converted my arm to cannon mode. I aimed carefully, preparing my shot.

"Come on... stay on target...stay on target..."

I centered one last time and fired the shot off.

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