Ch. 19 Spearpoint Part 1

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Quick recap of 18 chapters...go!

Rock, a young teenager who believed he was like everyone else, discovered after an accident that he was actually a robot created by the robotics expert Dr. Thomas Light. Before Rock could truly accept what he was, the city came under attack from one of Light's robots, Guts Man, under the control of Dr. Albert Wily, a former companion of Light who became jealous of his partner's recognition for their combined work.

With no other options available, Rock accepted the responsibility to stop the rampaging robot, and after some upgrades, became the fighting robot Mega Man, with the ability to copy the powers of any defeated robot.

He managed to defeat all six of Light's Robot Masters, along the way having people in his life swept into the chaos, including his best friend Michael and new best friend Tempo.

After defeating the last of the Robot Masters, he was suddenly taken to Wily's Castle fortress, where he battled new foes as well as the revived Robot Masters. He finally confronted Wily, and defeated him. However, a surprise by Wily caused him to slip away, and Mega Man had to flee, taking with him the Robot Masters.

He returned a hero, with new friends in the form of the Robot Masters, who had been restored to normal. It has now been almost three days since he returned. Most of the Robot Masters have returned to their normal functions, and there has been quiet in Rock's life. Only the electrical expert Elec Man remains at the tower full time, as Light attempts to reestablish his position at a local power plant.

Whew! Made it! And so, without further ado, onward to the next story!


"Yes, I understand completely. No, I don't think there's going to be anymore problems. I'm sorry, but would you like a formal apology from him? Or at least a meeting outside of the workplace to discuss the possibility...alright. Fine. I'll talk to you again later."

Light hung up the phone, and put a hand to his forehead. "That power plant engineer is the most stubborn man I've ever met."

I sighed. "Still no luck?"

He shook his head. "Sorry, Elec Man. I have another talk scheduled with him, but he's very hesitant to trust you."

The black and yellow robot master sighed and plopped down on the couch. "Can't blame him. I tore up the place. Cost him thousands of dollars, easily. I might have even hurt some of the employees."

"I promise I will do whatever possible to get you back to doing your job." Light assured him.

"Yeah. Thanks." Elec Man rolled over towards the television and pointed a finger. A spark of electricity shot out, hitting the TV and booting it to life. A news coverage happened to be on at the moment.

"It is believed that most of the robots which attacked the city at various times over the last few weeks have returned to normal and are resuming their jobs. Though Dr. Thomas Light, their creator, has given his full responsibility for their actions, some are not quite sure. Light is scheduled to speak at a press conference outside his building later tonight, and address the hostility towards the returning work robots."

I turned to Dr. Light. "I didn't know you had a press conference."

"Yes, I scheduled it to try to ease some of the hatred over what happened. I think I'll be able to handle it."

"Please do, I don't think I can stand just hanging around here any longer." Elec Man continued to shoot little sparks at the television, changing the channels.

I rolled my eyes. "Dude. The remote's right there." I pointed at the arm of the couch he rested on.

"I know." Elec Man answered without even looking at me. He continued flipping through channels.

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