Ch. 22 Spearpoint Part 4

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"Great." Elec Man remarked as he looked out across the crowd. "People are unable to leave, and anything we do to try to free them could very easily break our programming rule: we can't harm any humans. Any of them."

"Well, that's great, pal." Oil Man jumped off the couch.

"You know, you could try to help us out a little bit." Michael told him.

"Hey, I'm just messing around." He punched Michael playfully on the arm.


Elec Man froze. "Wait, what did you just do?"

Oil Man sighed. "Look, I'm just playing around, don't worry about-"

"No, I mean, did you...technically 'harm' him?"

Oil Man thought for a moment. "Yeah. I guess so."

Elec Man snapped his fingers. "That's our loophole. Your programming must not be complete. You don't have the main rule programmed into you yet. You can attack people, Oil Man."

"And that's good because?" Michael asked.

"Because I've got a brilliant idea." He grinned.

-Two Minutes Later-

"Alright, when I break the window, you've probably got about 5 seconds before one of them does something." Elec Man informed Oil Man.

"I can work with that." Oil Man took a stance next to the glass.

"Good." Elec Man threw a punch at full force, causing part of the glass to shatter. Oil Man stepped forward, putting his oil cannon through the hole. He aimed a few shots and fired.

After a moment, he stepped back. "Yup. Think I got em all."

"Are you sure?" Elec Man asked him.

"Do you hear any screams of death and pain?"

Michael shrugged. "Good enough for me."

Elec Man rolled his eyes. "Come on. Let's go.  


Light looked curiously as the body guards led the strange, armed men away. A window high above them had shattered, and something strange and black had fallen from the sky on top of them. He knelt down to the substance and did a quick smell.

"Oil...?" He whispered to himself.

He stood up again, brushing himself off before he suddenly heard someone calling him. He quickly turned around to find Elec Man running towards him, with Michael and...

"Oil Man?" Light asked as they reached him.

"The one and only." Oil Man replied. His eyes widened. "I am the only one, right?"

"" Light managed.

Oil Man wiped his forehead in relief.

"Anyway, the urgent situation at hand..." Elec Man rolled his eyes, before turning to Dr. Light. "What is going on? Why is everything down?"

"I...some strange group of people...I believe they called themselves the Emerald Spears, or something like that. There was a man who seemed like he was in charge of them. He was holding us here, apparently they used an ElectroMagnetic Pulse to shut off everything electronic. I think they want to destroy all robots."

"And I can't do anything about it..." Elec Man grumbled, his hands sparking as his anger rose.

Michael jumped in. "We found out that since Oil Man isn't complete, he can technically 'target' humans. That's how we took those guys out."

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