38: War

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Martin's POV:

"Launch the last resort attack." I said. "W-what?!" Everyone said. "We're going in." I said, getting up, and preparing myself for the fight. "I want to get them out of our way, once and for all."

Shadow's POV:

"Ready?" Crystal called. 'I'm going to kick his ass...' I thought. "Fight!" She shouted, and I disappeared. "Hm?" Shade said. "AGH!" I punched him in the back. "Why is Shadow in serious mode?" Kyoko asked Crystal. "Probably because of what he did to Keita, and her hatred for Gengars." She said. "Oh my..." Kyoko said. "Tch... Bitch..." Shade said. "He's already at half health?!" Shinshi said, looking suprised. "Maybe all of her training finally paid off." Keita said, walking over, fully healed. "I still had some sunlight left over from the solar beam." He said. "That's our Keita!" Shinshi said. "She is fighting out of revenge for what Shade did to you." Crystal said. "Keita?" I stopped. "You're wide open?" Shade said. "You are as well, actually, you all are!" We heard a familiar voice. "Martin?!" I turned to face him. "Hehehehe... Hello!" Juliette said. "..." I stayed silent. "Don't forget about me, alright?" Krimson walked from behind him. "You guys... Tch..." Shade said. I was so pissed off that I couldn't move. My blood was boiling with revenge. "YOU ASSHOLES--", "It isn't polite to interrupt while someone's talking!" Martin interrupted me and kicked me. I flew a few feet. "Shadow!" Keita called out and ran over to me. "We've decided to kick you're asses, and get you out of our way. Permanently." Krimson said.

Keita's POV:

"Bastards..." I said under my breath. "You killed our leader, so we have a right to interrupt. Self-righteous ass!" I shouted. "Heh, very well." He said, and shot fire at me. "I'll be knocked out..."

Hey guys! Shits goin down XD

Anyways, yes, this book is coming to its end! Shhhhh!!!

Question time!:

What will happen? Who do you think will win?

Bye guys! Oh sorry about Keita insulting your character marttinpalomo XD!

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