You do crazy things when in love ( Maine x reader )

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I wrote this listening to Goner by Twenty One Pilots 0 )--( 0 so fab
Anyways enjoy!


The blood dripped into the white snow. Losing breath Maine trudges though the snow. Taking off his helmet he kneels over coughing blood. He falls to the ground letting the cold air enters his lungs. The last thing he hears is the recovery beacon turn on.

You stop in the snow to the sound of a recovery beacon going off. Could it be him did you finally find him?

××flashback ××

" Maine .. They're just trying to drag you in. Don't go." You say trying to stand in front of him.

" They threatend you. They are going to pay (Y/N) "He growls. Which only you can understand after spending so much time with your boyfriend. He walks past you with a determined stare.

"Please " you pleaded and stopped in your tracks.

He stops and turns around looking at you with his orange red eye that you loved waking up to each day. You couldnt imagine a day with out them and you nwver wanted it to happen.

He walked up to you and kissed you rough like he always did holding you tight as if saying goodbye.

You felt a tear leave you (E/C) orbs.

He kisses away the tear," I love you."

That was the last you heard from him before he put his helmet on and walked out the door.

You sat by the door day and night York brought you food and talked to you to keep you company.

"Still not back?" York asked sitting next to you.

"No." You sighed not letting your eyes leave the door. Hoping that any second your solder would walk in and   praise you with never ending hugs and kisses.

"He'll be back (Y/N)," he said interrupting your thought.

"I'm going after him," You said stearnly and stood up. You couldn't stand thinking about what was happening to him right now. They could be torchering him, hurting him.. he could be dead for all you knew. You couldn't wait any longer.

" You're what ?" York asked wide eyed.

"I'm going to find him." You said as you put on your helmet and walked out the door just as Maine did 12 days ago...

××Flashback end××

After a running for a few hours following the recovery beacon constant bing, hoping no one gets to him before you. You prepare yourself for the worst as you make it to the canyon where you see Maine laying in the snow.
"Maine !!" You scream running down to were he is, throwing off your Helmet you kneel down and pick him up into your arms.
"What did they do to you ..." you whisper wiping the blood from the scars on his face. You check for a pulse only finding a slow one and raspy breaths. Losing hope you put your forehead to his letting tears fall on his tan skin.

"Hey (Y/N)! Could you use some help ?!" You look up to see York flying a carrier plane above you. You wipe the tears from your eyes and nod.

As you start to get up you hear a large crack and shift of snow... Avalanche your breath hitches. Picking up Maine, struggling under his weight, you run to the side of the canyon. Cussing to yourself you pullout your grappling hook out.
Fu- it's tangled. Rushing you try and untangle it as the avalanche gets closer and closer. Finally untangling it you throw it to the top of the canyon grab Maine and press the automatic climber.

" (Y/N)!" looking over the top of the canyon York calls out hopping to see or hear any sign of you. The silence terrifies him making him think he was to late. His best friend could be dead... she was like a sister to him. Your kneels in the snow putting his head into the palms of his hand.

You breathed heavy as you grab the top of the wall. Throwing Maine over you try and pull yourself up."Quit staring and help me God dammit," you yell to York struggling to pull yourself up.

He laughs with releaf and pulls you up.


Back at the base you sit on a chair next to Maines bed in the emergency room, asleep, waiting for him to wake up.. or not.

Opening his eyes he looks around.

"Took you long enough " York says chuckling.

Maine growls and roles his eyes. Then looks at you.

"She hasn't left. " York says. "I'll leave you two alone," York smiles and struts out of the room.

Maine pulls you onto the bed with him wrapping his arms around your waste and inhaling your sweet scent he missed dearly. He smiles he hasn't seen you in so long...
Opening your eyes you smile to see him looking at you and to be in his arms again.
"I love you.." you mumble and fall back asleep.

"I love you to" he growls kissing your forehead.

Well that did not go the direction I thought it would XD I kinda made Maine seem wimpy hope it wasn't that bad. Anyways it was fun to make hope you enjoyed!

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