Loves a Rollercoaster (Locus X Reader)

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Requested by: Draubie



You slam the door and start running down the the corridors of the imperials base. He had done it for the last time you were done forgiving him for what he had done. You push the doors  open feeling the cold air brush your (h/c) hair out of your tear stanined face. You slowed your pace as you were exiting the territory. Tears feel from your cheek as you plugged in your ipod you kept in your suit at all times.

He lied

He hid things from you

He ignored you

He forgot....

You sighed and looked down at your 3 year anniversary braclet you were going to give Locus today. You rip it off your wrist and drop it to the dirt floor leaving it behind along with your care for anything.

You didn't really care that he forgot just the way he acted...


"Hey babe... You know what today is?" you smiled wrapping your arms around him.

You feel his body tense up and pushes out,"what...." through his teeth.

You feel your heart start beating faster," its our 3 year anniversary....remember." 

You fall onto the floor when he flips around and yells at you," SO WHAT.... leave me alone thats stupid stuff doesn't matter!!"

Your heart dropped and you felt tears well up in your eyes. "I ... I...I HATE YOU!" You cried standing up and running out of the room.


You whipped a tear from your eye at the memory seared into your mind. You stopped walking to take a look around you had been wondering for about an hour now. You sit down and place your face in your hands sniffling every few seconds at memories...

You lay on your shared bed with Locus staring at the blank wall you had, had a bad day. You felt arms warp around you filling you with warmth. Locus kissed your neck," whats wrong princess..." you smiled with content.

"nothing anymore..."

A tear dropped and you looked down and you saw yourself hugging your waste how locus used too...

You walked casually down the hallway and from behind felt two strong arms wrap around you. You giggled,"Hi there."

He purred into your neck for a big tough guy you were his weak spot.

You sighed and started drawing into the sand making a heart and placing T + (Y/I). You flinch when you hear a rustle in the bushes. You stand up putting your helmet on and pull your fist up and a protective stance. Out of the corner of your eye you see a black blur. You whip around swinging your fist. It catches your hand. You swing again and start a fist fight with the stranger. After a few minutes of fighting you realize its more of a fist block fight. The other person wasn't hitting you at all only blocking your attacks. In your mental thought you slow your attack and the stranger jumps for you. You panic and your heart thumps. Until.. you notice the stranger is just holding you and ... crying?

"L-locus?" You whisper feeling tears sting at your eyes again.

"Im.. so ...sorry" Locus fell to his knees  holding onto you tightly, shaking with every cry.

You were speechless.... locus never cried. 

You pulled his helmet off revealing his dark green eyes that poured into your soul.

"C-can you ever forgive me.... Im a jerk you don't to deserve to be on the other end of my anger... you are my everything I treat you like crap... can you still love this monster..." Locus sniffled out  holding you in his arms tightly like he used to.

You thought about all the things that he had done to you ,good and bad.

"How did you find me..." you managed out maybe not at the right time but it was the only thing you could think of saying.

"As soon as I saw you slammed the door I realized what I had done. So I followed behind you every step to make sure you were safe and waited until maybe you were cold down enough to hear my apology..."

He followed me all that way, you thought to yourself.

"I forgive you ..." you smile.

Locus smiles whipping the tears from your eyes that had fallen without you knowing. He stands up still holding you tightly he pulls you into a sweet kiss. Breaking from the kiss he looks down at his wrist where the bracelet you dropped was.

"Im guess this was for me," he chuckles.

You laugh," yeah ... sorry I dropped it I was really angry..."

He kisses you again,"Its ok I love it dirt and all. Now let's get home so I can give you your present." He smiles picking you up and carrying you all the way back home.

Without a few loops in a Rollercoaster it would be kinda boring and your Rollercoaster was perfect to you.... loops and all.

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