Shut Up and Kiss Me (Tucker x Tex)

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This was requested by RealShadowBonnie hope you like it :D.


"Tex. Tex. Tex. Tex."

Tex clenched her fist and felt her eye twitch.

"Sweet Cheeks, Bubble gum, Honey Pie" Tucker repeated from his position behind Tex.

"Tucker. What the hell do you want." Tex moaned holding back the urge to stab him in his eyes.

"Is your favorite Soda Mountain Dew? Because Id mount and do you any day. Bow Chicka Bow Wow " Tucker smirks and waits for Tex's reaction.

Tex turn her head very slowly and if looks could kill Tucker would be murdered.

"And before I run for my life... here me out first."

Tex clenched her weapon and threw here teeth she mumbles out "What?"

"I love you!" Tucker runs down the hall leaving Tex on the roof of the base confused and unsure how to respond. Her heart is doing something it hasn't in a while.


Tex stood on top of the base looking at the reds when she felt an arm wrap around her waste. In defense she grabbed the arm and threw the attacker over her shoulder slamming them on the floor.

"Ow" Tucker coughed out having just lost his breath.

"Dammit Tucker don't sneak up on me like that" Tek bends down and eyes Tucker with worried orbs.

"Sorry I just couldn't help myself you looked so beautiful I just wanted to hold you there..."Tucker stares off almost imagining the moment all over again.

"Stop it" Tex gets up and starts to walk away.

"Stop what?" Tucker sits up and tilts his head like a confused puppy.

"Lying" Tex stands stiff.

"Wait. You think Im lying?" Tucker stands up slowly.

"Well yeh. You always joke around with me I thought thats all they were; jokes" Tex says with her back to Tucker.

Tucker walks in front of Tex and lifts her chin to meet her eyes " Tex... I may do it in a joking tone but everything I say to you is serious."

"But how can you?" Tex feels tears pull at her eyes.

Tucker takes of his helmet and her's so he can keep eye contact. "Tex. I love you....and I know its dumb to ask but will you be my gir-"

"Yes." Tex says with a bright smile.

"Oh ok I get it- wait wait did you say yes!!?"

Tex chuckles and nods.

Tucker laughs with disbelief and picks up Tex kissing her sweetly.


Tucker lays in bed holding his girl protectively. Nothing would harm her, they would have to go threw him first. He pulls his fingers threw her hair calmingly. Tex roles over fluttering her eyes open.

"Good morning beautiful" Tucker smiles pecking her lips.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" Tex roles her eyes but snuggles into his hold.

"I didn't want to disturb your sleep" he smiles sheepishly.


Tucker makes a trail of kisses down Tex's neck patiently but after a few he cant find her. He opens his eyes and he sees her out of bed getting ready.

"Come back its our day off" Tucker pouts.

"Its your day off." She chuckles pulling her shirt on but feel two needy arms wrap around her waste moving up to her chest.

"But cant you just take the day off...." Tucker moans in between kisses along her neck.

"I... uh" Tex stutters holding back a moan.

Tucker smirks he was winning he knew her week spot.

"Fine" Tex turns around and pulls him into a kiss.

Tucker smiles and pulls her back to the bed. She was his.

"I love you Tex" Tucker mumbles into her skin.

"I love you too... now shut and kiss me."

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