RvB x Reader

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Requested by: GalaxyX2

So sorry this is so over due.


You trudge into the empty canyon gun lazily in your hand dragging on the floor. This planet seemed endless, you were starting to think there wasn't life beyond the rebels. You flinch at the sound of gun shots and screams.

"Alright who messed with the radio!? Its on Spanish music again!" Church asked angrily.

You look over the edge of the canyon seeing a bunch of Red and Blue earth soldiers. You had heard about them saving so many people, you would be safe with them. You jog down a steep path eager to meet your hero's. Stepping into the territory you let out an awkward," Hello?"

Everyone turns around looking at you with interest. You blush and swallow, you want to just turn around and walk away,"Im (Y/N)."

After a few minutes of awkward silence Tucker breaks it,"You a chick or a dude?"

You chuckle and everyone else moans at Tucker. "Im a girl."

"In that case Im Tucker," he says swinging an arm around you and winking," you can stay with me if you want."

"No she will not Tucker," Wash says rolling his eyes.

"Oi I call dibs," Tucker hisses.

"You cant call dibs," Simmons says putting his finger tips on his temples rubbing slowly like he had a headache.

"Can too!" He says his hand gripping your shoulder.

"If your a middle schooler maybe," church roles his eyes.

"ok Im going to leave this sausage fest," Carolina moans walking away.

You could have sworn you heard Church whine making Carolina stop.

"Newbie come with me you can stay in my room," She sighs pushing the words through her teeth.

You squeeze past the moaning boys and follow behind Carolina. Church's Holla gram turns around on Carolina's shoulder and leans on her head crossing his legs. "Fancy seeing you here."

You giggle. You walk into Carolinas room taking of your helmet to reveal your (h/c) hair. Pulling it back out of your face you look up and see Church starring at you.

"What..." you blush self-consciously.

"Your b-beautiful .." Church stutters.

"THATS IT!" Carolina storms out of the room dragging Church with her.

Your eyes follow her out but you stand there awkwardly once she leaves.

"Chuuuurrrcchhhh do you want to make cookies with me?- CHURCH YOU TURNED INTO A LADY!" Caboose runs up too you squishing your cheeks together.

"Thats not Church, Caboose," Wash says leaning on the door frame with his helmet under his arm. Revealing his blond hair and blue eyes.

"Oh. Sorry." Caboose let's go of your cheeks. You rub your cheeks from the pain keeping your eyes locked on the handsome blond. He chuckles,"like what you see?"

You blink and take your eyes off him. He walks up to you tilting your chin up," hey I wasn't complaining."

You smile.

Wow he is smooth. You thought to yourself.

Tucker walks in and steps between you two the instant he sees Wash moving in for a kiss.

"Woh woh hey hey I called dibs," Tucker growls holding you behind him.

Wash glares," There are no dibs Tucker."

Tucker just sticks his tongue out at Wash then grabs your hand pulling you out of the room.

"Where are we going?" You question following the brunette.

He turns around and looking at you with a smirk and his turquoise eyes. Sticking his tongue out at Wash who was glaring down the hall. "Away from anyone who can steal my girl." He says pulling you into a room and closing the door. He pins you to the door staring you in you (e/c) eyes.

"Woh woh woh please don't take your close off."

You look over Tucker's shoulder and see Grif covering his eyes with one hand and stuffing Oreos into his face with the other.

"Get out!" Tucker years closing his eyes and covering his face.

"Fine fine.. but can I take her with me?" Grif asks winking at you. You smile.

"Yes just take the Oreo Grif." Tucker says with his eyes still shut.

You scrunch your eyebrow together and open your mouth to correct him but Grif puts a finger to your lips. "Alright come on Oreo lets go," he smirks taking your hand in his and walking out of the room.

You giggle," that was pretty smart."

"Haha yeah I know ways to piss the right people off." He laughs swinging both your hands back and forth walking towards a red base. "So Oreo whats your real name?"


"Beautiful, just like you."

"Since when are you sweet?" Simmons says from the couch.

"Hey Im nice." Grif jokingly laughs.

"Uhuh. I see you met (Y/N)," Simmons says with a smirk.

You peek your head from behind Grifs big build and wave. He smiles and waves back.

"Yeah you got a-"

"GRIF DID YOU DO WHAT I ASKED YOU TO DO," Sarge yells from the other room.

Grif moans as Sarge walks in.

"Is that a female organism?" He questions.

"No.." Simmons and Grif say sarcastically in sync.

"Well.. er hand her over no fratanizing with females," Sarge says taking your hand.

"Does everyone love this girl now?!" Carolina moans walking in with Church who was drooling following close behind is a pissed of Tucker and a zoned out Caboose. Oh and Wash was there too.

Everyone nods in response to Carolina. All eyes were on you. You never knew that coming here would give you this much attention. You weren't complaining they were all cute. Yet you couldn't have them all.

"Well (y/n) your going to have to pick." Church says from Carolinas shoulder.

"...not like there is much of a choice," Tucker mumbles to himself.

"Um.. I choose..."


Who do you choose!? Ill do a Part two with little endings for each character so you aren't left to much on a cliff hanger.

 Red Vs Blue StoriesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin