Silently in love (Church x Reader)

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Heyo this takes place back in blood gulch. Enjoy


Humming your favorite tune you slam Tucker to the ground.

"It was just a joke!" He says getting the breath knocked out of him.

" Wasn't that funny" you say sitting on him and sharpening your knife.

Church walks into the room chuckling.

"Church please help me she's heavy!" Tucker says getting a death glare from you.

" Excuse you. " you growl.

" I mean she's so light. " Tucker smiles then mouths 'help me' to Church.

"What did he do this time" Church asked leaning against the wall and crossing his arms.

" He asked me if I wanted to meet his 'best friend' " you stated.

"Bow Chicka Bow Wow" you role your eyes and continue sharpening your knife.

Church tightened his jaw. He's had a major crush on you ever since you were moved to Blood Gulch.

All the sudden you hear a large explosion outside all of you get up and run to see what it is.

"Suck it Blues !" Sarge yells throwing another sticky bomb at the base. Making an explosion of red paint on the base.

"Wait do they have a girl over there!?" Grif yells.

Tucker comes up and puts his arms around your shoulders. Smirking he says "Yeh she's my girlfriend!"

Church grits his teeth and pulls out his sniper rifle. Shooting Tucker in the foot causing him to fall. The only time you'll see Church hit something with his gun.


"Oh! Oh! Are we shooting Tucker I wanna join !" Caboose yells.

"Caboose no-" Church yells getting cut off by a bullet that's fired hitting you in the back of your leg.

You flinch " Ow" Turning around to glare at Caboose.

"Scary lady!" He yells running into the base.

"Uh what he said " the reds yell in sync. Running back to there base.

" Are you ok  (Y/N) ?" You glare at Church threw your helmet burning holes into his armor.

"Right. I'll get the 1st Aid kit.. " he says walking into the base.

You look at Tucker grab his good foot and drag him into the base.
"Ow ow ow!" You drop him in the main room. "OW!"

"Up here (Y/N)" Church yells from in his room. You limp up the stairs and stand by his door. You look around his clean room with blue and light gray.

He looks up at you "You can come in."

Taking off you helmet you walk in and sit on his bed.

He turns around holding the medical kit and sets it next to you and stops to look at you for a second. Mumbling to himself about how your (H/C) is so beautiful.

"What ?" You state slightly blushing at the attention he's giving you.

"N-nothing... so where did Caboose shoot you. " he asks opening the kit.

You point to the side of your right thigh.

"You're going to have to take off your armor. " He says receiving a dark blush from you.
"You can wear something you know" he chuckles. You quickly hobble into your room to avoid more blushing as you change into black shorts and a blue tank top. You try and get up from your bed but the armor you took off was helping you walk. You sigh.

"... Church "

"Yes (Y/N) " He asks from his room.

" I can't get up" you hear a chuckle from the other room and footsteps coming to your room.

Church stops outside your door admiring the amount of your skin showing. He walks to you and putting one arm under your legs carefully and the other around your back.

You wince when he grabs your leg.

"Sorry. "

You put your arm around his neck to try and get the weight off your leg.

'She so beautiful maybe I should just ask her... ' church asks himself inside his head. 'But what if she says no.. ' you snap him out of his thoughts when she asks

"Are you going to put me down?" Church had been standing by his bed just holding you.

"Oh sorry.. I was distracted. " he sets you down and kneels down in front of you. He puts his hand on your leg and grabs tweezers to pull the bullet out.

You wince as he pulls it out causing a few silent tears to fall down your face. Your normally very tough but when your around church you somewhat felt safe which lets you be yourself. 

Church grabs a rag and dabs away the blood. When youre clean he wraps your leg in bandages. Looking in your (E/C) he fells sympathy.

" Don't cry your better now. " he says wiping  you tears away.

You both silently gaze into each other's eyes. His blue and gray eyes were memorizing so much that you didn't notice you both were leaning into each other.

You both kissed each other tenderly .. silently in love.

"Hey guys... I still have a bullet in my foot." Tucker yells from the other room.


XD this was fun to write hope you enjoyed!

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