(Grif x Reader)

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Request by Oliver-Tucker


"Get back get back!!!" Grif shouted.

"N-no! Im not leaving you!" You take a step closer to Grif who was moaning on the floor.

"I dont want to hurt you (Y/N)! Get out before its to-" Before he could finish Grifs armor popped of as his body molded into that of a wolf. He growled in the corner of the room his back fur standing up and his bright white teeth glared at you.

"G-grif" you stuttered out backing up. Looking into his orange-yellow eyes. His chest rumbled as he leaped at you pinning you to the floor. His drool dripped onto your chest and neck. You got ready to say good by to the sunshine but suddenly. He loosened his tense body and shut his mouth. You looked up timidly and were greeted with a wet kiss. He sat back wagging his tail with his tongue lulled out of his mouth. You got up carefully.

"Grif ?" You giggle.

"Gottchya !" He says bowing.

You jump onto his back pinning him and rubbing his stomach. "Thats my little wolf!"

"Who you calling little," he barks pinning you and licking your face.

You loved your Grif wolf and all.


Hey Im sorry this is so short. Ive got a dilemma .... *sigh* you'll see in the next chapter. This will be edited and made longer at some point.

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