Broken (Locus x Reader)

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I was inspired by Halseys song Control. Great song its a little depressing so warning a head of time.


" Locus come on! We have to take them all!" You hear from the other room along with the screams of children.

You worked as a child military teacher for kids who had amazing fighting ability's or extreme intelligence used in battle strategies. At this moment you hid in the back of your classroom in the dark with all your 13 student behind you.

"Please stop your scaring me!" A student cried out from Mrs. Ambers room.

"Shut up kid!" An annoying voice yelled back.

"You cant take them!" Mr. Amber yelled and a gun shot followed.

You cringe knowing your fellow teacher was now gone.

"Felix was that really necessary." A deep voice said back.

"Yes she was in my way. Locus go to the next room and check for any kids." Felix said.

You realize the next room is yours and you quickly turn to your students. " Do you guys remember how I taught you to operate your camouflage"

They all nod and you knew you only had a small chance this would work you only spent a little time on this lesson.

" Turn it on and stay close by me."

Your students quietly started going invisible thankfully your student were intelligent enough not to cry and to stay calm. On the other hand you were shaking.

The door flies open and a tall black and green suit of armor walks in the room. He looks around and stops staring directly were you are piercing your soul with his eyes.

For a moment you think he can actually see you but he turns on his heel and walks out. " This room is clear."

Felix shoots another teacher and looks up to him. " Good let's move out"

When the building goes silent you turn off you camouflage as do your students. They all look at you.

" You saved us Miss. (Y/N)." Says one of the little girls in her pink suit.

You smile and hug her." Ok children I need you to go to each classroom and grab the emergency kits. Then meet me back here. " they all nod and run off.

You walk into the hallway and you cringe at all your fellow teachers. Dead.

"What am I going to do." You ask yourself.

You suddenly remember a primary feature in the student suits. The adultofy. The ability to make them look older with a teachers key card.

The mercenaries would be back any time when they realize they missed 13 students. And you weren't going to let that happen.

Locus POV

I jump onto the plane trying not to look the kids in the eye. There cry's already ate at me.

"Shut up brats!" Felix yelled pushing one of the kids against the wall.

"Knock it off Felix!" I say pointing my gun at him.

He grits his teeth and turns around.

Once we land Felix starts counting the kids "135... 136... 137 ... what." He yells out and pins one of the other soldiers against the wall " How did we miss 13! I thought you said we cleared each room !"

"But ..but I did I swea- " but before he can finish Felix puts a bullet through his head. I felt bad .. since I was the one who let 13 kids slip.

I saw the teacher standing there with them in camo it would have been easy to take them out but the fact that she was smart enough to turn them all invisible turned something in me. I just couldn't.

"Ill get them Felix" I say grabbing a gun and jumping into the plane again.

" You better or another one of these idiots is going to choke on there own blood. " Felix yells pointing his gun to the men.

I felt bad. I wasn't coming back.

Your POV

You walk through the jungle with all the kids that now looked like adult soldiers. You didn't know were you were going but you couldn't stay at the school.

"Miss.(Y/N)?" A child snapped you out of your thoughts.

"Yes?" You look at the pink armor in front of you.

" Im tired."

"Ok we can take a break here." You say loosening your grip on your gun.

All the kids talked and relaxed in the shade while you were doing quite the opposite. You felt like something .. or someone was watching you.

You stood up and started walking away from the children once you saw a glaze moving to the right of you, you stopped and held up your gun.
" I know your there come out."

The green and black mercenary came out of his camo. You held your gun at him. " You cant take them" you say angrily.

He sets his gun down and puts his hands up. " I don't plan too"

You look at him confused

" I understand if you cant trust me... this monster. " he says stuttering out the word monster.

You lower your gun.

He steps closer to you. " I saw how you protected your students and the scared faces on all the children .. it made me realize Im on the wrong side."

"If you help me protect these kids and save the others... I might be able to forgive you.." you say honestly starting to trust him.

" Yes but only if you can help me.. " he says and you curiously ask

"With what?"

"Im broken."

You smile

"I might just have the right glue."


I dunno I started this good but Im not sure how it turned out hope it was ight.

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