All I want to do is Cuddle (Grif x reader)

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I got this idea from a prompt list I read I think it's pretty obvious what the prompt is so I'll try and leave it the least awkward as possible XD


You role onto your side whimpering in pain. Man how you hated being a girl sometimes. You wondered how other girls made it through the war.

"Grif ! (Y/N)! get your lazy butts out of bed!" Sarge yells.

You moan and role out of bed really not wanting to do anything today.

You get up and slowly walk down the hall. Walking past Grif room you see he's still sleeping in his warm fluffy bed. Maybe you could just... go and join him-

"I MEANT TODAY SOLDIERS!" Sarge shrieks again.

You sigh "Grif we have to get up. "

He opens his eyes lazily. " I don't wanna... "

"You don't wanna any day" you mumble deciding to sit because the pain from standing is to much at the moment.

"Just come cuddle with me " He asks. You really wish you could Grif had grown to be a really good friend, sometimes you even thought you might like him as more than a friend.

"I wish... can I take a rain check..." you ask rubbing your stomach.

"Yeh" he gets up out of bed and stretches. His black T-shirt was very form fitting. You didn't understand why Simmons always called him fat he was in pretty good shape. The reason he didn't run very much was because the food he ate didn't support his daily work out of being a soldier.

He put on his armor and walked to the door offering a hand to help you up.

You grabbed it and and lean on him sleepily as you walked down the hall.

He chuckles " Are you ok (Y/N)?"

You kinda just look at him blank. You thought about lying and saying you were fine but in all honestly you felt like Sarge ran you over with the Warthog. You decided to go in the middle.

"I'm ok." You say weakly.

Grif knew you didn't feel good.

Once you both got outside. Sarge began listing off choirs we had to do that day.

"Clean the Warthog. Spy on Blues. Clean the base. Spy on Blues. Workout. SPY ON BLUES." You sighed but you knew once all of it was done you could go lay in your room without any movement.

You struggled through the day but you were finally on the last "Spy on Blues." You walk around the canyon walls to the Blue base and sit on the ledge.

"Hey hot stuff." You look to your left and see Tucker walking up to you.

"Go away Tucker" You and Tucker sometimes talked up here but today you were not in the mood. At all.

He sits next to you "Someone seems pissy."

"Don't mess with me today Tucker." You mumble.

"Bow Chicka Bow Wow" He chuckles.

You role your eyes and get up to leave. He stops you by grabbing your sides. You wince. It had to be today.

"I think she said to leave her alone." You hear. Looking up you see Grif pointing his gun at Tucker.

Tucker let's go and backs up " Fine fine see ya later Babe" he walks down the other side of the canyon.

"Thank you Grif..." you say rubbing your side.

"No problem Princess. " he smiles and you laugh at the Nickname he gave you because when you first showed up Sarge thought you were royalty. Only because your last name was (L/N). You didn't understand nor care.

You guys walk back to the base talking just like you two had been friends forever.

"I'm going to go lay down." You yawn. "I finished all the junk Sarge told us to do. "

"You actually did it?" He laughs

" well... yeh. What did you do all day?"

" Distracted Simmons. Ate. Messed with Sarge. Ate. I'm mean don't get me wrong it was a lot of work" he said tired.

You punched his shoulder.

"Hey what was that for!" He said rubbing his arm.

" You didn't tell me I could have been lazy today. " you whine. You walk into your room.

" well... now you can." He says you glare and shut the door on him.

Taking your armor off you role into your warm bed. Finally the pain in your sides dissolves for the moment so you can get some sleep.

The middle of the night it comes back and you squirm in bed trying to find a comfortable spot to relieve you of pain.

You role over again and look under your door and see someone walk by.
Curious you walk over and open the door. Nothing.

Your about to close the door but out of the corner of your eye you see Grif walk around the corner with a box of Oreos in his hand.

Your stomach grumbles and your side aches.

Grif looks at you. Bitting on another one of his Oreos he asks "What are you doing awake?"

You couldn't take it anymore you start to whimper the pain was to great to hide it. Tears role down your eyes.

He looks at you with concern. He wipes the tears away.

"I could really could use that cuddle right now." You say.

He smiles and hands you the Oreo box. You hold it with confusion then he picks you up bridle style and carries you to his room and lays you on the bed. He takes the Oreo box putting one more into his mouth then sets it on the floor by the bed.

Pulling the covers over both of you he wraps his arms around you. You cuddle into his chest and every time he breathes you could smell the yummy chocolate cookie.

He takes a deep breath. " um... (Y/N)" Grif stutters out.

"Hmmm?" You answer looking up at him.

"I... I " he looks into your (E/C). " I love you."

You blush and smile.

He leans in and kisses you. You begin smiling into the kiss because he tasted like Oreos.

And suddenly being a girl just became a little bit better.

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