My Girl (Felix x Reader)

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Hiya this is a modern day ish AU hope you enjoy. Also almost 220 views thank you so much!


"Come on (Y/N) we are going to miss it!" Your brother pulled you threw the crowd of people.

You heard the revving of engines and smelled the familiar smell of gasoline. Looking around a bit more you see the walls of the canal and the people shouting and hollering around you. You and your brother loved going to drag races together.

You finally can see the cars as York pulls you to the front.

An all black Mopar Dodge Challenger with two orange lines from the hood to the back bumper.

On the other side a Mustang II King Cobra yikes those things are ugly. It was only a rough color gray and black.

You see a girl in the middle wearing shorts that went up her butt and a tank top with a logo for a car shop on it. She raised her dainty arms with a smirk on her face lifting the bandana that was around her neck. The cars roared. She shot her arms down signaling the cars to go. The cars created dust as they speeded off. You weaved your way through the crowd and climbed on top of a large rock looking over everything. You sit down and look up just in time to see the orange car drift around the corner. You smiled this guy was amazing you had to meet him.

The orange car drove threw the finish line doing a donut at the end. The people crowded around cheering pulling him out of his car. He took off his helmet revealing black hair with an orange streek in the front. Red brown eyes that tore into your heart making you melt. The guy looked through the crowd and laied his eyes on you. You looked behind you to see what he was looking at. He pointed at you summoning you with his finger.

You gulp and hop down from the rock starting to walk to him. The crowd was still around but the payed more attention to each other now so you didn't draw to much attention.

"Whats your name?" He asked in a deep voice that shot shivers up your spine.

"(Y/N) and you" you smiled at him.

"Feli- " he was cut off by the sound of police cirens. The people scattered to the walls of the canal. The other cars speed off. You were about to run but then Felix grabbed your wrist.

"Want a ride?" He said with a sly smile.

You bit your lip and nodded running to the other side of the car jumping in. As soon as the car door shut he sped off. You squeaked not expecting that fast of a ride. You felt adrenalin pump through your veins and an excited smile never left your face.

He laughed. "You're adorable"

You blush and look around the car stopping short when you see the moon roof. You point up at it and look at him.

He smirks presses a button and it slowly opens.

You climb up and put your hands up letting your hair flow in the wind. Your eyes glow in all the New York lights. Felix reaches out and turns the radio on. I took a pill in Ibiza by Mike Posner is on. How you knew the song you didn't really know and you didn't really care you were having the time of your life.

Your happy moment was interrupted by something vibrating in your back pocket. You climb back in the car turn down the music and pull your phone out of your skinny jeans pocket, which was a hassle.

" Helllllo this is (Y/N)" you say happily.

"(Y/N) where are you?" Your brother asks.

" uhhhhh" you couldn't tell him you were with a complete stranger.. well a hot one at least. "With a friend where are you ?"

" At another drag race a few block from our house" He says Felix eyes widen.

You role your eyes already knowing what hes going to ask " Hey York text me the address I'll meet you there."

You each say bye and hang up the phone. He text you the address and you show it to Felix.

" So was that your boyfriend?" he asks not looking at you.

You laugh" Ew no that was my brother. Im single"

He smirks and with his arm that was resting in the center console he laces his fingers into yours. You look at him with a smile.

"Have you ever wondered what It would be like to date a racer?"

"Heck yeah!"

You two show up at the race your new boyfriend revs the engine to get peoples attention. After parking Felix comes around and opens the door for you. As you climb out you were going to get out of the way but Felix grabs your waist and pulls you into a kiss.

"Friend huh?" You hear a familiar voice say.

" York this is Felix. Felix this is my brother York" you introduce.

" Be good to my sister or Ill rip your hands off and slap you with them. " York says with a serious tone yet he's smiling.

Felix pulls you close to him" I don't plan to"

A shrieking sound echos through the streets. You turn around in Felix's arms and see a tall man scraping a knife across Felix's car.

" What the Hell man!" Felix shouts.

You get yanked by the waist away from Felix.

"I heard a little orange rat beat my little brother and Im here to set the family name straight" The man says pulling you close to him with his dirty hands you try to squrm away.

York trys to get to you but the guys friends hold him back.

"Race me then. If I win I get the girl back and you leave me and her alone." Felix says looking at you.

The man thinks for a second. As if he had a brain " If I win I get the girl."

"Deal" Felix says. You really hope he would win, you knew he would.

Felix gets in his car and pulls to the starting line. The man hands you to his friend and gets in his car.

Another girl stands in front waving the bandana in the air. She throws her hands down and the two cars dart down the street. They drift around a corner with the man in the lead. They go into a tunnel for a while and its silent across the crowd.

"Come on Felix..." you whisper to yourself.

A car shoots out of the tunnel. You smile at the black and orange car that lunges across the finish line.

The crowd cheers as Felix jumps out of his car. He runs over to you. You hadn't realized but the guy holding you was slowly moving his hands lower and lower. Felix angerly runs up to him and with one swing punches him right in between the eyes causing him to let you go and fall to the ground spitting out some blood.

"Nice punch" you say walking into his arms.

"Anything for my girl" he says picking you up.

You wrap your legs around his waste and kiss him.

He kisses you back and smirks into the kiss causing you to smile.

" Ew get a room" York says from beside you.

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