Princess (Maine x Reader)

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Yellow this is a School/Modern AU. Hope you like and any Felix lovers Im sorry he was the only bad boyfriend I could think of at the moment.


You sat in the cafeteria picking at your food. You weren't hungry, actually you felt queezy under the eyes that were watching you. You felt them look at you with the memories of what he did. You cringe felling all the pain all over again.

Felix your Ex-boyfriend had done unforgivable things to you. You of course broke up with him but he refused to let you go. Scaring away any guy that had interest in you. Speaking of...

"Hey hot stuff" Tucker said sitting next to you putting his arm around you.

You smile Tucker was your best friend and his pervy ways had grown on you "hey whats up?"

"How about you come with me to the dance tomorrow night. Bow Chicka Bow Wow" he winks.

You look at him worried "Tuck I would love to but... what about Felix" you say gagging at that name.

"Ah don't worry kid. I think he's over you anyways" you smile at Tucker's bravery and nod.

"Alright Ill see you tomorrow then" you get up when the bell rings and sling your bag over your shoulder happily walking out of the cafeteria. Maybe things are looking up you told yourself.

The last period of the day you were doodling in your notebook filling it with hearts and (Your initial) & T. You hear hoots and ah mans from your right. You look at the two boys on there phones. You hear a slight noise of yelling coming from the phone.

" What are you guys watching?" The boys look at you timidly. Everyone knew who you were and all were scared to come close to you.

One shakily hands you the phone " Its a f-fight see? Just dont tell Felix I showed you."

You took the phone and watched with wide eyes as Tucker ducks a swing from Felix. You cover your mouth as Felix pushes him to the ground kicking him in the gut finishing the video with "Stay away from my girl." You hand the phone back struck in the heart. On the virge of tears you feel your phone vibrate in your pocket. Taking it out slowly you open a Text from Tucker

Tucker: Hey (Y/N) ... Im sorry something came up I cant go to the dance with you tomorrow... and I won't be at school for a while. Im really sorry.

You close your phone and sigh adding a 6th check to your attempt list.

The bell rang and you walked out of school with a bubble of people backing away from you like normal.

That night you dreamed of a man saving you from your nightmare someone who wasn't afraid of Felix. But just like every dream you woke up. You got ready like every other day putting on your jeans and T-shirt.

At school you laied your head on your desk twirling your pencil. You flinch up when you hear a door slam. The class goes silent so only footsteps and the jingling of a chain can be heard. Your eye sparkle as you see the handsome man standing in front of the class with baggy pants, a shirt that hugged his toned chest and dog tags that hung from his neck.

"Class we have a new student. Maine"
Our teacher said.

He yawned not caring at the attention the class gave him. You looked away remembering your dilemma deciding not to even think about it.

"Just find a seat Maine"

You sigh and feel a tap on the shoulder you scrunch your eyebrows together. Since when do people acknowledge you? You turn around and lock gazes with his dark brown eyes that catch your heart.

He chuckles and looks you up and down.

"Uh uh erm hi Im (Y/N)" you smile. Wait what are you doing you look back down at your desk.

He looks at you confused "Hey I wasn't done looking at you."

You blush "Not much to look at " you mumble.

The bell rings and you quickly stand up walking out of class. You get caught at the wrist and are pulled into Maines chest.

"Sorry I didnt mean t-" you stutter feeling his muscles under your hands you blush.

" Its fine. Hey I heard there was a dance tonight wanna be my girl?" He asks looking at you with his light brown hair in his face.

You look over your sholder and see Felix stopped in the hall.

"I know you're new... so you don't know. But maybe you should pick some other girl." You say trying to walk away.

He pulls you back " but I want you. Whats wrong got a scary Ex or something"

You look at him and nod.

He smirks "really thats it."

"Yeh my Ex Felix hasn't gotten over me yet and pummels any guy that comes in a five yard radius of me. And he's right behind me" You say looking down.

He looks behind you at the large man leaning against the wall glaring at him. Maine looks back down at you with sympathy " Hey look at me" he tilts your chin up and smirks " you know what I think"

You were about to ask what but then he closes the gap between you two. He kisses you sweetly and gently well sort of you could tell he wasn't used to kissing soft. You smiled into the kiss realizing he was being sweet for you.

Breaking the kiss for air he looks in your eye and you cant help but stair into his non afraid orbs. "You're crazy"

He grabs your hand and struts down the hall bumping into Felix along the way.

"You're going to get killed " you say in awe as you watch Felix walk the other direction with a pissed off face. You worried for your newly found love.

"Don't worry about it babe " he smiles at you.

At the end of the rest of your classes you were happily surprised with Maine leaning against the wall in one piece waiting for you.

"Ready for lunch? Im starving." Maine wrapped his arm around your shoulders and walked with you through the halls to the lunch room.

Out of the corner of your eye you see a fist fly towards Maines stomach. You flinch closing your eyes waiting for the blow to hit. But it doesn't. You open your eyes to see Maine holding one of Felix's friends hands.

Maine raises an eyebrow.

" You must be new or blind. Im Felix and thats my girl you have your arm around. Stay away or you'll regret it" Felix says gritting his teeth.

Maine looks at you. You prepare yourself for another heartbreak. You feel your heart shattering as his arm lifts off your shoulder.

"Alright do your worst"

You look up with surprise. Was he actually....

Felix stands there a bit confused then puts his fists up.

Maine stands there calmly. In your mind you cheer him on.

Felix launches himself at Maine. Maine bends down and picks Felix up by the torso flipping him on his back. Felix curses and holds his head. Maine smirks and throws one punch as Felix tries to get up knocking him back down.

"Im Maine and (Y/N) is my girl."

You smile so wide that your cheeks start to hurt. Maine turns towards you with a smile. You run up into his arms as he grabs you by the waste pulling you into a kiss.

"So about that dance?" He asks setting you down.

You open your mouth but get interrupted.

"Im sorry but he will be in detention " the principal pulls Maine off you. He walks away smirking " Call me later princess!" he shouts.

You stand in the hall with butterflies in your stomach.


Comment or vote for a part two because this came out a lot better than expected.

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