Not my type of Party(Church x Reader)

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This is a moder day AU


The music pounded in your ears dragging a smile onto your face as you strutted into the club. You felt confident in your black and blue trimmed dress that hugged your curves. You came alone but weren't planning on leaving alone. You dance your way into the middle of the room drawing eyes with your movements with the beat of the music. You look up and see a sexy pair of blue eyes that were glued to you.

Church POV

Tucker dragged me to a stupid club to be his wing man. Girls kept trying to drag me to the dance floor but this just wasn't my type of party. I stayed on the wall until I saw her. The way she was dancing I just couldn't look away. Her (E/C) glowed with mystery and her blue dress (my favorite color) hugged her so well. Her smile lit up the room with positivity. She looked at me almost calling me over to her but when she started walking towards me I felt like a helpless bunny getting stocked by a wolf. My hands got sweaty and my heart pounded faster than the tempo of the music.

Your POV

You smirk at how nervous he got when you started walking towards him. You just kept eye contact till you were in talking distance from him. He put his hands in his pockets and looked you up and down.

" Wanna dance " you asked pulling your (H/C) hair out of your face. You felt good and you knew you looked good. Good hair days were the best days (Fr tho)

He sighed and looked around like he wasn't to exited.

You gave him a look " what... is someone scared."

He smirks and stands straight" no just not my type of party" he says plainly.

"Why are you here then" you ask confused.

He points into the crowd at a man about the same size as him tan, brown hair with bright blue eyes. Man he was cute too. "He dragged me here to be his wing man"

You smile when an idea pops into your head. " oh ok you did your job well than" you say strutting away from him leaving a confused look on his face. You turn the tan man around and start dancing. The man raises an eyebrow and pulls you close to him and dances with you with a grin plastered on his face. You glance back at the "not my type of party" man and smile at his expression. Just what you expected he looked jealous and was walking right towards you.

"What are you looking at babe " the tan man you learned was named Tucker asked.

"Um is that your friend?" You ask innocently pointing at the angry blue eyed man only a few feet from you.

Tucker smiles "yeh thats Church. Hey Chur-" he was cut off with his action.

He twist you in his arms and grabs your lips in his causing you to melt in his rough sweet kiss.

"What the hell man!" Tucker pulls you away.

"Tucker" he just looks at him and Tucker looks back you were expecting a fist to fly but Tucker just smiles and let's go of you.

"Haha alright have fun dude Bow Chicka Bow Wow" Tucker joins another group of girls dancing leaving you with a confused face.

"Wanna dance" Church asks with a wolfish grin.

You smile and nod. He places his hands on your sides and moves with your movements like a pro. Following you perfectly.

You pull him down so he can hear you over the loud music "I thought this wasn't your type of party"

He smiles and responds " It isn't. But you are"

Chills run up your spine and you two dance the rest of the night away.

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