Tough Love (Locus x Reader) Part 2

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Requested by MsNikkiy




More silence.


More annoying silence.


The sound of quick movement and falling objects fills your ears "WHAT WHATS WRONG!?"

You smile from your spot on the bed completely unharmed "Come cuddle with me."

Locus roles his eyes and walks out of the room completely uninterested. Leaving you to the silence of your shared room. For being a couple you were pretty cold in that bed alone. You and Locus had been dating for almost 3 years now. You got used to his tough love. He opened up a little, but only to you. He told you of all his horrible nightmares covered in blood and the sight of every person he killed. He woke you up to screaming sometimes but you were always happy to sooth him with small circles on his back or sweet nothings into his ear. You comforted him and he comforted you, it was the unspoken rule. You to were inseparable.

"Loooocus!!!" You threw a pillow at a box that fell over making a crash hitting a lamp... and a domino effect of crashes."Whoops" you giggled holding up 3 fingers and mouthed 'three two one'. Just as predicted Locus came running into the room once again with a fear in his eyes.

"What happened are you ok?!" He asked checking your body for any cuts or bruises.

You still lay in bed with a smug smile reaching your arms out," Come cuddle with meeeeeee."

Locus just walk's out the door to your shared room with a moan. You huffed a sigh of defeat covering your face with a pillow. You felt an arm go under your back and your thighs. Smiling you remove the pillow to hug your boyf- Felix...

"Hi doll face," he grins his lip piercing sparkling in the sun.

You start to panic "L-Locus!!!"

Felix smiles when there is no respons and starts walking to the door with you in his arms.

"LOCUS!!" You scream trying to push out of Felix's strong arms covered in detail tattoo's.

"Babe Im not falling for that again," locus says from his place at his desk. His back to the door so he cant see Felix walk out with you.

Felix carries you to his room and sets you on the bed," Your boyfriend didn't save you? How does it feel?"

You feel a tear role down your face and Felix kisses it away with his slimy lips. This was not good.

Locus POV

I write the necessary words onto my work form. Enjoying the silence of the room. The smell of cold air conditioning brushing my hair in all directions. Hold on. Silence?

I look in the direction of me and my loves shared room. "Did she give up?" I ask myself," Finally."

I look back to the white and black pages on my desk but I cant focus.

What if she's hurt...

What if a plane came through the window and crushed her... no I would have heard that..

What if Felix took her?

My mind raced with worst possible outcomes and I felt myself leaving my black rolling chair. I stopped at the door and my hand hovered over the door nob.

What if this is just another trick.. this is what she wants me to do.

I stepped away from the door but unable to sit back at my desk.

But what if she is really gone...

I cant sit here and think what if's when I can just go check .

I finally bring myself to opening the door but instantly wish I had sooner.

(Y/N) was gone.

Third person sorta POV

You turned your face from Felix's avoiding the kisses he was desperately trying to give you. He gripped your thigh making you gasp. You missed Locus and wished he would save you... but because of your stupid neediness he probably is still at his desk thinking you are safe in bed.

Felix's cold hands traveled up your shirt as you felt another tear escape your (e/c) orbs.

Then you heard it. The cocking of a gun. Felix froze when he felt a cold circular object get pushed into his back.

"Get off my Girl," Locus growled through his teeth.

Felix scrambled off you with his pants still around his ankles. You looked at Locus with awe struck into your eyes. He held an arm out to you and you instantly jumped into his hold.

"I thought you wouldn't come," you whimpered into his chest.

"Ill alway come for you even if you are just trying to get my attention." Locus carried you to the door.

"Im not afraid of anything Locus!!"
Felix yelled trying to get some pride back.

Locus ignored him and walked with his girl in his arms to his room. He set you on the bed and crawled under the covers with you.

"Don't you have work to do?" You asked but not complaining.

"You come before work.." Locus was surprising himself, work was always the thing to come first but you changed him," and all you wanted was to cuddle."

You wrap you arms around him with a smile. He kisses your forehead and covers you in his big strong arms. You felt your eyes get heavy and soon were fast asleep.

Locus wiggled out of you grasp and strutted down the halls to Felix's room. He silently opened the door to the dark room where the light from the tv was the only source of light.

"GO TO HELL ZOMBIES!" Felix shouted smashing his controllers buttons from his bed.

Locus quietly shut the door and walked to the wall the tv was plugged into. He pulled it out, covering the room in complete darkness.

"What the..uhg another power outage?" Felix moaned laying back on his bed.

"Felix" Locus called with his deep voice echoing around the room.

Felix tensed up and his orange/red eyes darted around the room.

"You lied today you know that?" Locus stocked around the room to the side of Felix's bed. "You aren't scared of anything? Lie."

Felix shifted in the bed uncomfortably.

Locus gripped the lamps on switch. "You're scared of... me," locus flipped the light on, on 'me.' Then turning it off to the girly shriek that filled the room. Locus silently left the room holding in his laugh till he was out of the room.

"Damn it Im going to need another pair of pants ..." Felix grumbled still shaking from the scare.

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