(Locus x male reader)

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Requested by: Glogirl77



You moaned under your breath pulling your gun up again feeling your muscles tense. The 6 targets pop up and you shoot ever single one of them tiredly setting your arms down almost dropping your gun. You had asked Locus to help you with your gun combat but you regretted it now. All he did was yell at you and make you repeat the same stuff over and over again. Your muscular body felt like jello.

"Again,"Locus said for the 30th time.

You slouch and look at him then put the gun up to your sight. Your eyes start getting fuzzy from standing so long. You feel your knees lock.

"(Y/N) !" Locus yells worried.

You snap out of it falling forwards the sound of your gun skidding across the room echos.

Locus sighs, " are you ok?"

You quickly get up running to grab your gun but stop when Locus talks.

" (y/n)..." he asks sternly.

You tense up and nod like nothing was wrong although you could feel your legs falling out from underneath you. Locus drops his gun and runs over to you holding you up.

"Practice is over ok?" He says somewhat disappointed.

You feel your heart start to break. All you wanted to do was make him proud. You walk away from him picking up your gun.

Locus starts to walk out of the room but stops when he hears gun shots behind him. Turning around he sees you standing the the same position you had been standing in all day.

Why is he still trying? He has one of the highest ranks under me and Felix.... he's perfect.

Locus mumbles under his breath.

You cock your gun shooting all the 6 targets again trying to ignore Locus starring at you. Just one Good job... or pretty decent... or I love you is all you were looking for.. wait.

You hesitated on a shot when you realized you weren't doing this for yourself anymore. You did want Locus to be proud of you but you wanted to tell him how much you loved him at the same time but you couldn't find the right words.

" (Y/N)..." You hadn't noticed but Locus had moved in front of your gun. You quickly set your gun down by your side and sniffled away the tears that snuck up on you.

Locus unclips your helmet revealing your tear stained (e/c) eyes. Curiosity dances in Locus's deep green eyes as he steps towards the target.

You wipe the hot tears from your eyes continuing to look at the floor. Cursing to yourself come on men don't cry...

"Again," Locus stood in front of the 6th target.

You slowly picked up your gun each bullet ringing through the training hall.




You hit each target dead on in the same pattern that you had done all day.



You stopped aiming your gun at Locus  unable to see his face under his black and green helmet. Your finger twitched over the trigger your mind saying fire but your heart holding your finger back.

Locus watched you intensely.

"Why cant you do it," he asked monotonly.

Your body shook and you kept your mouth shut avoiding eye contact.

"Tell me." He insisted.

"Because... " you stuttered.

He stood face to face with you clenching his teeth. "Tell me!"

"Because... because I love you! "

Locus stuttered back a bit. You stared into his black visor waiting for a response... anything.

But nothing came he walked out of the room leaving you in silence.

You slowly raised your gun aiming at 1... A
2... L
3... O
4... N
5... E
6... note..?

You put your gun down looking at the writing on the target scribbled in red marker was... I love you too.

Your heart fluttered as your dropped your gun and sprinted after Locus who was in the middle of the cafeteria.  You jumped on him forcing him to the floor. You took of his helmet to see is smiling face.

"Y-you really love me?" You asked.

He silently grabbed your scruffy cheek pulling you into a kiss.

" Does that answer your question? " he smirks.

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