chapter 5

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Caught red handed

I turned around slowly.
Drake was grinning folding his arms over his chest, waiting for me to answer.
" see the thing is.." I stubbled to find words.
I could feel my face heat up.
"So that's a yes?!"
He sat next to me on the steps.
"Who were you talking too?"
I sighed at the change in subject.
"My best friend Lilly, she's been like a sister since I moved from here."
"What she like?"
I smiled "she's wild type, super funny and she's the one who did my tattoos."
" she sounds cool."
"She is. She's been the one helping me keep strong."
He sighed"yeah"
We sat in silence for what seemed like forever.
"I went to camp woodland after that year I didn't see you?!"
I frowned a little"yeah I didn't go.......after that night I couldn't face you."
He looked at me" I'm sorry about that by the way."
I giggled "we were ten its fine."
I looked over to see drake looking at his hands.
"I felt like crap afterwards..."
"Really?" I hesitated
"Yeah" he looked at me.
His ice blue eyes shone in the faint light.
"I tried to find you that night to apologize. But I couldn't, and then every time I tried to talk too you, you ran away."
"I didn't know that..." I said feeling bad.
"Yeah....I actually had a big crush on you.."
My heart skipped a beat at his words. I smiled glancing at his tomato red face.
After a few moments in silence Drake stood up.
"You wanna go somewhere with me?"
"Um..sure." I said standing up.
He grabbed my hand pulling me towards Axels car.
"Wait what about Axel and grey?"
"Their drunk, they usually call a cab."
He opened the passenger door for me.
I hesitated"are you OK to drive?"
He smiled "I wouldn't do anything to hurt you Amanda. Plus I'm the DD tonight."
I whispered a OK and slide into the seat.
He went around the car, jumped in and started the car.
"Ready for an adventure?"


"I'm not getting on that!" I said folding my arms.
"Come on please!" he begged
I looked up at the roller coaster. Drake drove us to the fair telling me story's of how him and his dad used to ride the screaming ghost every year. I told him I would ride it but now that I look at it.
" you promised." He pouted
He grinned taking my hand and standing in the unusually short line.
As we got closer my heart started pounding.
I'm going to die I thought.
Drake probably sensing how scared I was grabbing my hand and squeezed "you'll be fine."
When we reached the front of the line a teenage boy smiled showing us to a seat in the roller coaster.
"Keep your hands and feet in the seat at all times and keep phones, keys, glasses, etcetera in your pockets. And make sure you have fun on the screaming ghost." He said into the cheap microphone.
Just a few seconds later the roller coaster jerked forward.
I grabbed Drakes hand, he laughed at me.
I closed my eyes as I heard the cars clicking.
"Open your eyes." I heard Drake whisper in my ear.
I slowly opened my eyes, we were almost on the peak of the first descend.
You could see the whole city. The lights and people below us. It was beautiful and then we plummeted to our death.
I gripped Drakes hand so hard as wind rushed past my ears.
Drake screamed in delight as I screamed in utter horror. We went up and down hills and as it started to feel like it would never end we slowed down to a stop.
I jumped out of that car as soon as I was unbuckled.
Drake rushed to my side laughing.
I stopped walking and turned to him. He stopped laughing when he saw my serious face.
"You owe me a funnel cake!"
He grinned "That sounds amazing!"

Its short I know. But do you guys like Drake and Amanda being together? Will it become official soon? Keeping reading to find out!

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