chapter 33

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Hold on baby.

I thought it was over. I thought I could live my life with my amazing boyfriend. Try to control my powers.
But I can't.
Let's go back to this morning.

Two weeks after Caleb

I sat in bed looking through channels. I grew board as nothing caught my attention.
I got up and walked down stairs.
"Guys?" I said looking around the house. No one was here. I walked into the kitchen, spotting a note on the island counter top.
I picked it up.

Hey honey your mom and I went to the grocery store. I believe your Grand parents went to a doctors appointment for gramps. Hope your OK until we get back.

Love ya honey

I sighed as I dropped the paper back on the counter. I opened the fridge and grabbed a Gatorade.
I chugged about half of it before putting the cap back on. My phone started ringing in my pocket.
I answered "hello?"
"Amanda I need you to come over, something's wrong."
"Drake what's happening?" I heard a loud bang and screaming.
"Amanda I need you."
I hung up and ran to my room. I slipped on a pair of shoes and grabbed my keys.
I got to Drake's house in ten minutes.
I ran through the front door. I stepped back immediately as I saw what was happening.
Emma and the girls were tied up in the living room.
I walked into the room further and noticed a man standing beside the couch. My head started pounding.
A shadow.
I took a step closer, the floor boards creaked under my weight.
The shadows head whipped around.
He growled as he saw me.
"Ahhhhhhh!" I heard drake scream in his room. The shadow looked towards Emma as she whimpered.
I ran to Drake's room as the shadow was distracted.
The door lay on the floor. I looked in and saw another shadow, he stared down at drake. Drake lay on the floor a knife in his hand. He was struggling as the knife grew closer to his arm.
"Stop please." He whispered, he was shaking.
The shadow stared intently at Drake not moving at all.
"Stop!" I yelled going to Drake. I tried to pull the knife out of his hand but Drake slapped me.
I fell back as my face burned. I looked at the shadow.
"Stop!" I yelled again this time the shadow looked at me.
His face was ugly, a scar ran across his face. He glared at me.
My head started to hurt worse.
I grabbed at a piece of broken glass on the floor unwillingly.
I tried to stop the movements as my hand gripped the glass. The glass grew closer to my chest.
I screamed as I struggled to stop my hand.
He was forcing me to do this.
I looked up to see the shadow smirking.
I heard a load noise in the other room. The shadow looked away breaking his hold on me. I slumped back in exhaustion.
Drake groaned beside me. I looked at his arm, he already had several cuts along his left arm.
Blood trickled down his arm to the floor.
"Hold on baby. Hold on!" I said to him.
I looked up to see the shadow standing in the door frame.
"What the h-" he was cut off suddenly disappearing in thin air.
A girl ran in she sighed at the sight of us.
She walked over kneeling down over Drake. She ripped a piece of fabric off of her shirt and wrapped it around Drake's cuts.
When she was done she looked at me.
"Are you OK?"
I nodded she smiled approvingly.
She looked back down at Drake.
She had long brown hair and brown eyes. She wore a pair of ripped jeans, tank top and a black jacket. She sighed as she looked up towards me. I sat up slowly.
"He's lost a lot if blood. I need to take him to my place."
"Wait what about Emma, Lizzie and Stacey?"
"They're OK, but if I don't take him to my place he won't be!" She stated trying to pick him up.
"Wait how do I know I can trust you?"
She eyed me up and down " I see them too."
She picked drake up and wrapped a arm around his back. She struggled under his weight. I wrapped my arm around him.
"OK but I go."
She nodded obviously needing my help to carry him.

She pulled up to an apartment building. Getting out we carried him inside. Lucky for me she lived on the first floor. We laid him on a bed. She walked out as I sat next to him. He was passed out, he was muttering my name.
She came back in with a first aid box, I stood up out of her way.
She unwrapped his arm and cleaned the cuts. She placed gauze pads on the cuts before wrapping his arm up in bandages. She stood up and looked at me "he lost a lot of blood. But the bleeding has stopped, He needs rest."
I nodded as she walked out of the room. I walked after her.
She sat on a brown couch typing on her phone.
"Thank you."
She looked up and smiled before staring at her phone.
I started to walk back to Drake.
But stopped I turned back around.
"Who are you?" I asked
She looked at me "my names Fawn I'm a seeker like you."
She looked down at her phone and started typing.
Another seeker!

Drake's p.o.v

I woke up. I groaned as my head pounded and my arm felt like fire.
My eyes shot open when I realized what happened. I sat up looking around.
Where am I? Where's my family. Amanda!
I spotted Amanda laying next to me in the bed.
She was sleeping soundly, She was OK. I got up but sat back down as I grew dizzy. I slowly stood up this time. I walked out of the bedroom. A girl sat on couch, she was texting.
"Where's my family?" I asked urgently.
She stood up "they're safe I promise."
She moved over to me "you shouldn't be walking you lost a lot of blood you need to go back and lie down."
She gently pushed me back into the room onto the bed.
I groaned "I want to know what's going on!"
"You'll know when you get some more rest." She states.
"Who are you?" I asked curiously.
"I'm a seeker, my names Fawn."
"Another seeker?"
She nodded "now lie down and get some rest."
I laid down as fawn walked out, closing the door behind her. I turned to see Amanda's beautiful face. She was still sound asleep, snoring slightly.
I tried to wrap my arm around her but a instant pain shot through my arm. I looked down to see my left arm bandaged up. I sighed in pain as I lowered my arm carefully at my side.
I closed my eyes, falling asleep to the rhythm of Amanda's heart.


That's the end of book one! 🎆🎆🎆🎆🎆🎆🎆🎆🎆🎆🎆🎆
Yay!! OK the next book is called 'The Shadows Follow Me'!
I hope you liked the book!
This was a whole lot of fun to write and I can't wait till I start book two! There will be new characters and of course drake and Amanda will be there.

Vote and comment <3

Lots of love,


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