chapter 32

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Forgive and forget

"Really?" I asked
He nodded "yeah it was horrible when I got the news."
"Honey who are you talking too?" A woman came in smiling.
She had flawless dark skin,she was dressed in a pair of jeans and a turquoise shirt.
"Uh guys this is my wife Lila, Lila these are some students from our highschool. They're writing a paper and came to see if we could give them some ideas."
"Hi I'm Drake." Drake said smiling.
"And I'm Amanda."
"Its nice to meet you both." She sat next to Jay on the couch.
"So which idea are you talking about?" She asked.
"Uh we're currently talking about a Caleb Newton." Drake stated beside me.
"Ah." Lila frowned "I was horrified when I heard."
"But when he told you you still stayed with him."
I looked over to see Caleb behind Jay and Lila.
"You still got married had a child. Even after he told you about that night you never told a soul."
"Really, were you too friends?" I asked as I pretended not to see Caleb.
She nodded "Jay and I were highschool sweet hearts."
"Awe." I took a 'note' of that.
"You left me there. You left me to die!"  Caleb swung at Jay's head.
"Stop!" I yelled jumping out of my seat.
Caleb's hand went straight through his head.
"What?" Jay looked at me confused.
I sat down and looked at Drake.
Should I tell them the truth?
He nodded.
I looked at Jay and Lila.
"The truth is we're not here about a school paper."
"Than why are you here?" Lila asked
"What I'm about to tell you won't be easy to understand. You won't believe us at first." I took a breath they nodded waiting for me to explain.
"Drake and I can see the dead." Lila laughed a little "I know it sounds crazy. But Caleb told me what happened that night "
Jay stood up "please get out!"
"We know about how you got him drunk and showed him into the woods for some fun, " I continued without moving "I know how Jason said something about Lila and you got angry. How Caleb tried to stop you too from hurting each other. And how you pushed him causing him to fall down a hill."
Jay looked at me "how...." He trailed off looking at his wife.
"You left me!" Caleb yelled standing next to him "you killed me."
Jay looked at me "it was accident. Steven made us all swear we wouldn't tell. I lost myself after he dyed. I lost apart of myself that day."
"You should have told someone!" Caleb yelled again.
I looked at Jay "He's here, beside you."
"Here?' He asked
I nodded and Jay looked over to where Caleb stood "Caleb I'm so sorry!" Tears started streaming down Jay's face "I'm so sorry. I should have been there for you. I'm sorry I pushed you... Oh my gosh I killed you." He said in disbelief "I killed my best friend!" He fell back on the couch, he was sobbing into his hands. Lila rubbed his back trying to sooth him.
Caleb's face softened "your sorry?"
"He says, your sorry?" I said
Jay looked up "yes I'm so sorry Caleb! I'm so sorry!"
Caleb looked at me "I can't believe it. I didn't think he cared."
"He always cared Caleb. If you couldn't see that then I hope you can now." Drake said looking at Caleb with a slight smile.
Caleb looked at Jay "I never thought he would apologize. It never dawned on me that he was ever regretful. Now that I see him like this, I understand."
"Whats he saying?" Lila asked
"He says he understands now." I smiled.
Caleb looked up a bit and smiled "I see something."
"What do you see?"
"A light, I see my mom she wants me go to her." He looked at me "thank you!"
And with a smile he vanished.
I looked at Jay "he forgives you."
Jay looked up "really?"
I nodded "he passed over. He's happy now."


We left their house after that. Jay was grateful and Caleb passed over. We drove in silence as we went to Drake's house.

I sat on Drake's bed "its over."
Drake smiled from hi rolling chair "I guess so."
"Dinner!" Emma yelled
Drake looked at me "wanna stay?'
I smiled "yeah."
We walked together into the dining room.
Emma smiled "Amanda are you joining us tonight?"
"Yes Mame if that's alright?!"
"That sounds perfect, go on and grab a seat!"
I sat next to drake as his sisters trailed in.
Stacey smiled " Amanda!"
Lizzie came in and smiled "hey Amanda."
"Hey Lizzie"
She sat down next to Stacey as Emma handed us our plates.
We all loaded our plates before holding hands to say grace.
"Amanda do you mind saying grace tonight?" Emma asked
"Of course not." I said before bowing my head.
"Dear kind and gracious heavenly Father we want to give you our thanks for this wonderful meal presented in front of us today. We want to thank you for what we have. Please bless the unfortunate, that they will come out of their trials stronger. We want to thank you for our friends and family for they're all we got. We want to thank you for the ability to forgive, that even if it is hard to do we will be able to understand and live happier. And I say this in the name of Jesus Christ Amen."
"Amen." Everyone said in unison.
"What you two do today?" Emma asked before she took a bite of her taco.
I looked at Drake and back at Emma "we talked to some friends, we helped them solve a conflict between them."
"That's nice. They're OK now?"
I smiled "yeah."
"Good. I now its hard to forgive but when you do it takes a weight off your shoulders. Forgive and forget! It's a wonderful thing "she smiled at us.
Drake squeezed my hand from under the table.
Forgive and forget.

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