chapter 9

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Just a little homesick

"Oh my gosh its so fun! Who would of thought working at the pizzeria would be fun!" Lilly exclaimed over the phone.
"How long have you been working there lilbear?" I said fiddling around with a rubrics cube.
"Two days....but still!"
I smiled.
"And there's this guy here, josh, he's sooooo HOT! I was pulling a pizza out of the oven today, almost dropping it, and he saved it right before it fell. His hand was on mine and we stared at each other for like two minutes. Ugh..."
"I see your loving this year so far."
She sighed "yeah, we miss you tho you need to visit on vacation. Michael is killing me, bombarding me with questions about you. You really need to call the boy."
I laughed "I'll call him later."
" do you have a job yet?
I sighed "no, but I need to start looking"
"Yeah, hey I gotta go. I love you pixie, please call Michael!"
I laughed "I will, I love you too."
As soon as the line went dead I looked through my contacts until I found Michaels.
He picked up pretty quickly.
"Amanda, how are you?"
"Hi Michael I'm great, so Lilly tells me you keep attacking her with questions about me."
"That whor- she over exaggerated, I was wondering how you were holding up that's all." He said cutting his self off.
"Mhm, soooo any girlfriend yet?"
He chuckled "would you be jealous if I said yes?" He questioned.
"Well of course, if there's someone who gets to love you other than me, I just won't be able to live with it!" I said, my words dripping with sarcasm.
"Awe pixie I knew you still had feelings for me, but no need to get jealous I'm still single as ever baby girl."
I smiled "you need to get a girlfriend Michael, its getting sad seeing you eat ice cream alone watching Disney movies!"
He gasped "there is nothing wrong with a eighteen year old watching Cinderella eating a pint of ice cream!"
"Yeah there is."
The perks of being friends with someone as stubborn as you are I thought.
"Your weird." I smiled
"And you love me for it."
I giggled "that I do."
"I really do miss you Amanda."he said sighing.
"I miss you too. It sucks that I'm not with you guys right now."
"Yeah.. Mrs. Dawn seems to miss you too. Its weird when a teacher asks you how your friends doing."
"Awe I love her, tell her to not forget she promised me a picture of her baby when she has her."
"I'll tell her."
"How is everyone else tho?"
"Everyone's good, Lizzie finally got her license, oh and Amber got pregnant!"
"What?! By who?" I said surprised.
"Damon, you know that man can't keep his dick in his pants."
"Wow I just didn't expect her to get pregnant, she's so religious."
"Oh I know."
We sat in a nice silence for a few minutes.
"I'm missing everything." I whisper.


I started walking to my car after band practice when someone grabbed my shoulder.
"Amanda wait."
I turned to see Justin.
He smiled slightly "are you free tonight?"
I smiled "uh yeah I am."
"Would you go to Mario's with me?"
I bit my lip, Justin is cute and nice! "I would love to."
He sighed in relief "great I'll pick you up at eight?!"
"Sounds perfect."
He walked away smiling. I spotted Drake by the front door frowning a bit.
I waved at him, he waved back placing a smile on his face.
I got in my car and drove home. I have to get ready for a date.

"I don't know what to wear mom!" I said plopping on my bed.
She smiled looking through my closet "honey we'll figure it out."
"I haven't been on a date since like freshman year." I sigh.
After a couple of minuets she pulls out a Navy blue dress.
"Perfect!" I said as she handed it to me I go to the bathroom and put it on. The dress stopped right above the knee, hugging my waist, flowing out and a little low cut showing the girls a little.
My mom smiles when I walk out. "Some cute black flats and some earrings and your outfit will look perfect."
I straighted my hair and did some minor changes to my make up when the door bell rang. I quickly slipped on my black flats and ran down stairs.
I frown to see my dad had opened the door before I could.
"Young man do you understand?"
"Dad what are saying to Justin?" I sigh.
"He's just telling me that you eat weird." Justin says smiling.
I felt my cheeks grow hot.
"I do not!"
"Do let her lie to you, you'll see." My dad whispers, holding his hand to cover the side of his face as he walks away.
"He's a bit strange." Justin states "I like it."
"Most people do."
"Ready to go?"
I smile "yeah."

I smiled at our waiter as he walks away with our order.
"So how do you like being in the band so far?" Justin asks as he takes a drink of his coke.
"I actually love it, you guys are so talented."
"You are too that voice of yours is amazing!"
My face grew hot "thank you, I haven't really sung in a while until I joined so."
"Well I'm glad you decided too."
"Me too."
"I ca-" he started to say when his phone started ringing. "Sorry." He said answering.
"What do you need drake? way!.......I'm with her right now I'll tell her....OK man bye!" He hung up smiling "guess what?!"
"Sam's gay?"
"Ye- wait what?!" He said thrown aback by my guess.
"You told me to guess." I shrugged.
"No he's not gay, we don't have practice tomorrow, something that never happens!"
"Who has the nine ounce Steak with mash potatoes? " our waiter asks.
"I do" Justin says.
"And the salmon with steamed broccoli?"
"That'd be me. Thank you." I said as he walked away.
I took a bit of my salmon and looked up. Justin was smiling at me.
"What?" I said after swallowing.
"Your dad was right."
He chuckled when he saw my confused face.
"You do eat weird."
I thew a napkin at him "shut up."
He started laughing "I'm joking!"
"Sure!" I said sticking my tongue at him.

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