The First Encounter: Donnie

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It was 6:00pm in New York you were still in school and it was starting to get dark outside, you decided to stay behind to study the new chemicals in your chemistry class. Chemistry, biology, physics and maths have always been your strongest subjects in school and you always love to learn more than you need to know, which generally meant staying in school until late hours. Your teachers never minded you were the smartest student in the school and your parents, well they were always arguing acting like you were never there anyway.

''Yawn, okay I think I'm done for today I'd better get home and make dinner before I pass out here'' you say to yourself as you start to clean up all the lab equipment. You grab your bag and walk out of the school, storm clouds were starting to gather in the sky making it seem even darker than it should have been at this time.

as your walking home you suddenly you stop, hearing strange robot sounding noises coming from a near by ally. You put your bag down and venture into the ally.

''That which is know as a human test subject must be obtained by those which are known as the kraang and taken to he who is known as the shredder for that which is known as experimentation'' you hear a robotic voice say, you walk up to get a closer look and see two robots with weird pink, squishy things in there stomachs speaking to one another.

''Yes  kraang, if kraang are to fail he who is know as the shredder will do what is known as indescribable things to kraang'' you hear the other say, you turn around and try to walk away as quietly as you could so those kraang things wouldn't notice you, unfortunately you step on a twig that cracks getting the attention of the kraang who turn to face you pointing there guns at you.

''Halt you which is known as human, you will surrender to those known as the kraang'' as they say what looks like pink laser beams start shooting towards you stumble ad fall your back against the corner of the wall you shut your eyes but you don't feel any pain, you open your eyes and look up to see a shadow in front of you spinning a bo staff in front of him deflecting the laser shots away from you both.

He charges towards the kraang bots and dismantles them with his bo staff, leaving the pink creatures to run away squealing. He walks over to you and kneels down in front of you, his almond, red eyes the only things visible in the darkness.

'' Hey, I saw you were in danger, glad I made it in time are you okay?'' he asked his voice was gentle and filled with concern. You nod your head,

'' It's okay i'm not gonna hurt you promise, what's your name?'' he asks you softly,

''(y/n)'' you reply shyly ''may I see the person who just saved my life?'' as you ask this he moves away from you slightly,

''why not i'm not gonna run away from you, I can promise you that and I never break my promises I make ever'' you say giving him a sincere smile.

''Wait how'd you know that I was gonna say.......'' he started confused,

''that I would run away from you scared, I don't know to be fair but I just saw sadness in your eyes and that was the first thing that I thought would make sense'' you say softly looking up at him, after considering his options he walks to the light and kneels down beside you again, he was a turtle, a turtle with a purple ninja mask and his bo staff strapped onto his back.

You look over to him and blush slightly, he was actually kinda cute.

''I never asked you your name'' you said smiling, he looks over to you and a small sprinkle of pink spreads onto his cheeks,

''D..D..Donatello but you can call me Donnie or Don or D'' he stuttered shyly extending his hand out to you to help you up, you accept his hand and he pulls you to you feet.

''You have a lot of nicknames don't you'' you giggle as you both blush a little more letting go of each others hands.

''Yeah you can thank my little brother Mikey for that he can settle on one nickname for me, he keeps calling me his favorite bother'' he says to you, you smile at him making him show you a gap tooth smile. Okay your heart just stopped 'that gap tooth smile is so adorable' you think to yourself.

''Well I have to go, other wise my brothers are going to start to worry about me'' he says to you as he starts to climb the fire escape to the roof,

''wait Donnie!'' you shout after him, he turns and looks down at you ''will I ever see you again'' you say with a sad look on your face, he jumps down to you and places his arm on your shoulder and shows you that smile again, once again making you smile.

''We're friends now right?'' he says to you and you nod your head ''so you can count on it'' he says jumping back up onto the roof and giving you a small wave before running off to find his brothers.

You walk back to your apartment as you walk in you hear your parents arguing again but you didn't care you just lay on your bed reading your chemistry book and listening to music through your headphones thinking about Donnie your cute new friend who saved your life.

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