You Realise You Like Him: Donnie

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Your parents had been arguing all night, again then they both stormed out of your apartment shouting at each other, you were so sick of this but at least you have the place to yourself again tonight. you had decided to call up Donnie asking him if he wanted to come round and hang out with you since you would be alone all night for the 5th night in a row.

So now you are both in your room your, listening to your music and reading your favorite book, whilst Donnie is over at your desk working on something that looked like a necklace but knowing Donnie it would have some secret that you wouldn't find out about until he was done.

You find yourself constantly looking over to where Donnie is working, for some reason your eyes keep attracting over to where he is, like a positive magnet attracting to a negative one or two chemicals, that need each other. Wait what the shell were you thinking Donnie was your friend that was all you thought of him as............ wasn't it?

You force yourself to drag your eyes back to your book, but you can't concentrate, you have a sick feeling in your stomach but it wasn't sickness it was nerves. Why were you feeling nervous, you had never been nervous before; I mean come on you were the smartest kid in your school you had passed every single test you had ever taken with A+, you had given lectures to nearly every kid in your school and spoke in every assembly. I mean heck you've practically tutored every kid in your school in all 3 sciences and maths at all levels, so why the shell were you feeling nerves now for the first time ever.

You take off your head phones and put your book on your bedside table, you lie on your back with your hands behind your head and your legs crossed on your bed. When you think back to when you called Donnie up, your stomach got a fluttery feeling as soon as you heard his cheerful voice through the speaker,

and when he had agreed to come round you found yourself tidying your already perfectly clean room at least 4 times, you always knew you had OCD but come on that was over excessive even for you.

You sit up and push your glasses up your nose and straighten you beanie up again as you stand up and walk over to where Donnie was sitting at your desk, you look down into his face he was concentrating so hard his tongue was sticking out the side of his mouth slightly, it was so adorable.

Wait... what again with the cute and adorable thoughts, by now Donnie had noticed you standing beside him, staring at him whilst lost in thought, he knew this was not like you there is no way your mind would wonder for no reason.

''(Y/n) uh are you feeling okay'' he says concerned waving his hand in front of your face snapping you out of your thoughts,

''huh? what......what just happened?'' you say confused looking up at Donnie and as soon as your (e/c) eyes meet his chocolate brown ones your face instantly flushes bright red and you look down at your feet.

''(Y/n) are you okay? You seem really out of it today, its not like you'' he says lifting your chin with his hand and looking into your eyes concerned,

''hmm? no.... I mean yeah i'm okay i'm just thinking about you.........I..... I mean what your doing that's all'' you say quickly correcting yourself, as you look into his eyes you think that you managed to save yourself in time as Donnie gave you a small, relived smile. ' Nice save (y/n), geez you really need to stop spacing out its really not like you' you think to yourself.

''Oh its nothing really, just something special for someone who is really......precious to me that's all'' he says blushing slightly as he starts to pack up his things, ''anyway I'd better get back before I miss patrol but I'll text you tomorrow I promise'' he says giving you a quick hug then leaving through your window. You just stand there your face completely burned red,

''I .......I..........yeah..........see you ...........wait.........huh?'' you say, even you don't know what you are trying to say anymore but you know that you were not acting yourself and you knew why now. Thinking it over you had fallen for Donnie and this was not just a simple crush when you thought about how smart he was, how he always worried about you even if you were totally fine, the way his gap tooth smile made you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

He was perfect and you knew it now, you were completely head over heals in love with, Donnie and that was never going to change you didn't want to call him Donnie anymore you wanted to call him your Donnie.

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